Chapter 7

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CN ran down the seemingly endless staircase, nearly tripped multiple times. She has to go wait for the three heroes to be done with the three levels. As she reached the halfway point of the tower, she could start to hear faint voices. She stopped dead in her tracks. 'Those are the enemies.'

The voices, full of pride, got closer and closer. CN got more enraged the louder they got. Just as they turned the corner, CN shouted. "STOP RIGHT THERE HEROES." Six shapians stood before her in both shock and fear.

"W-who are you?" The cyan square stuttered. CN glared at him in rage. "Some call me CN, some call me a nobody. But you can call me the person who will end your little adventure!" Cyan, Tri, Ciro, and Penta got engulfed in darkness. CN had forced them into a level.

"Remember heroes, Just Dash & Dodge!" CN laughed maniacally as the music started. The four quickly dashed out of the way as she instantly shot at them. They were all scared and confused as they avoided the pink bullets targeted at them.

"I thought humans couldn't have levels?!" Ciro yelped as he narrowly dodged a pink laser. "They can't!" Tri yelled back, dashing randomly, attempting to dodge the attacks. CN laughed at them. "You all are so naive!" They all glared in response to her negative comment.

As Cyan dodged another bullet, he shouted to his siblings. "Guys, I have an idea!" He looked over to them. "You just gotta-"


He snapped his head back to CN but as he did, he was hit. He stumbled backwards in pain and shock. He stared at CN in outrage but noticed something surprising. He could see that she had a hint of guilt in her eyes. 'Why would she feel guilty if she's doing this willingly?' He thought in confusion.

He then attempted to dash over to his siblings but ended up getting hit once again, causing CN to flinch. Cyan only had one hit left. 'Oh tree, this isn't good.' "CYAN STOP BEING AN IDIOT!!" Penta shouted at him, staying still causing him to ALSO be hit.

"You know what, FUCK IT!" Cyan summoned his weapon. A longsword that was glowing blue, yellow, white, and green. He dashed straight ahead and pointed his sword at CN. "CYAN NO!" His siblings yelled at him in worry and anger. Cyan lifted his sword up and CN was frozen in place.

Right as the end of the song was hit, the sound of shattering rang through the air.

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