Chapter 3

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Cube watched as CN walked away. She was confused by what she had said. How is she lucky? Cube set those thoughts aside and entered the room. Pink. Of course. Everything was pink. The walls, the curtains, the furniture, everything.

Cube continued looking around, opening drawers to see if she could find anything. There were at least a few books and supplies for random things. The closet had no clothes in it. 'I'll ask about that later.' Cube sat on the bed with a book called 'Pink Roses'. (CoUGh @DJG3N6 cOUgH)

After about 15 minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Cube placed the book down to see who was there.  CN walked in holding a basket of more books, sketch pads,  and other miscellaneous items. Placing down the basket, CN addressed Cube. "I need to take your measurements really quick. I also brought some stuff for your entertainment."

"Oh, uh, alright." Cube stood up as CN grabbed a tape measure. Once CN was finished, she gathered a few items from the basket and left the room, leaving Cube alone once again.


Cube soon enough got bored and was wandering the halls. There were some other corrupt shapians there who weren't like the soulless flowers. She learnt some of their names like Lunar, Dubwoofer, and the twins Clate and Ash. Each one seemed to have their own music too, which made Cube wonder, 'do I have my own music as well?'

As Cube kept walking, she heard someone behind her. "Yo, I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name?" She turned around quickly and examined the shapian before her. He was a corrupt flowers but acted more like the other corrupts like TAOW and Spectra. "I'm, uh, Cube..." She answered.

"Lycanthropy, though you can just call me Lycan." Lycan grinned at Cube. "My old name is Lythor." This confused Cube. "Old... name..?"

"Yeah! Everyone has a name from when they were..." Lycan made an irritated face. "Purified." He then looked to Cube. "Are you telling me that Cube is your pure name?" Cube nodded and looked down, not really knowing what to do. "Well, then you need a new name! From now on, you will be called Cubic!" Lycan put his hand on Cube's shoulder.

"Cubic? That... sounds pretty cool." Cubic smiled in appreciation. "I know, right!" Lycan threw his hands in the air. "Well, see you later Cubic." He winked at Cubic and walked off. Cubic also started to walk away, but as soon as she turned around, she was face to face with CN. Cube jumped back, yelping in surprise.

"Come with me. The king would like to meet with you."

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