eight • cindy moon

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Night before the homecoming dance
1:05 a.m.

"You got it Silk! Keep your head up!"

"I'm trying!"

"Swing a little higher and make sure you got a good grip on your web. You got this!"

Miles was currently having to "mentor" Cindy Moon, aka Silk. She was new to all of this, what Spider-Man did almost every single day. She was bit by the same type of spider that bit Miles almost a month ago. How they found each other wasn't the best way to meet someone but if it wasn't for Miles...

Cindy wouldn't be here, she'd be locked away somewhere.

One month ago
10:34 p.m.

Cindy was scared.

They were coming for her.

She didn't know why. The same spider got to her, someway somehow. Someone was after her, trying to lock her away in a facility.

Before they could get ahold of her Miles came out of nowhere. They were all trapped together in an alleyway. Watching him go in and out of invisibility almost gave her a headache. Watching him move like that was baffling, his reflexes got sharper the more he fought.

She didn't even know they were around the same age. Spider-Man didn't reveal anything about himself.

Cindy was safe now.

"Spider-Man?" Her voice shook.

He was a little out of breath when he outreached his hand to her, got her back on her feet. They stared at each other.

"You alright?"

"Think so."

"Who were they?"

Cindy looked around at the men on the ground unconscious. "I don't know. They were gonna lock me away somewhere."

"Because you're like me."

She looked at him. Her hand covered the spot on her arm where the bite once was.

"I guess so."

Miles knew she was scared. He could feel it. He was scared to when he got bit because he had to handle it all by himself.

But she wouldn't have to.

"I'll help you through this. It's not as scary once you get used to it. Want your first piece of advice?"

"I could use it."

"Always watch your back because there's you can't have someone watching it all the time."

present day

"Do you remember what I told you?" Miles yelled to Cindy as she swung around. It was nearing two in the morning and not a soul was seen in the streets.

"You've told me lots of things be more specific!"

"When we first met!"

She jumped onto a light pole, her grip instantly sticking her to it. Her hair illuminated against the light. "To always watch my back."

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