Taylor Parton

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Papi had passed away a little over 6 months ago. I was so hurt, but I was there the entire illness. I was his caregiver. I had graduated early and put off grad school to care for him. He left me a nice sum of cash and a house. I wasn't a millionaire and the house wasn't a mansion. I was able to furnish my little home the way I wanted, and landscape it perfectly. I brought myself a brand-new gun metal gray mustang. I went to Europe last year and I haven't worked. But I don't know my older sister, Cheyenne had been pressuring me about getting an income to supplement my savings. She was right, it would help me continue to furnish my little lifestyle a little longer. So, my bossy big sister got me an interview at the Waterwheel Country club. I was happy it wasn't in her subdivision; I would just die if I had to see her face every single day while working.

"Taylor!" I heard her shout from my living room as I stepped into my heels. I came to the living room.

"What are you doing here?" I was completely shocked. It wasn't like I needed her to get dressed or anything.

"I came to give you a ride. What are you wearing?" she asked looking me up and down. I was wearing an all-black jumpsuit and heels. My triple D's were covered, and the clothing hung tastefully over my gentle curves.

"What's wrong with my jumpsuit, I brought it in Paris last year." I said smiling. She laughed.

"Taylor, you can't go to an interview dressed better than the interviewer. Put on some terrible khakis and a polo, and flats from Target." She demanded. I didn't understand, wasn't this job pretty much guaranteed, they hired anybody.

"Don't you know this guy doing the interviewing?" I said heading toward my bedroom. She followed behind me.

"I do, but you don't want your coworkers to hate you, do you?" she asked. I had worked one other job before this one. I worked at six flags for like 5 days. I got sun burned and never went back.

I changed into exactly what she told me and put on a pair of reading glasses. I don't know what those were supposed to do, but I listened to my big sister. She usually was never wrong.

I headed for the door and she was having a seat on my gray sectional.

"I'm leaving." She said propping her feet up.

"Can you do it now?" I asked impatiently. She had a huge home, why she wanted to hang out at my little ranch was out of my understanding.

"Alright." She said standing and walking out of the house for me to lock up.

I got into my car and took the scenic back street you had to take to get to the Waterwheel Country Club. I was kind of hungry, but I didn't have time to stop. So, I popped a curiously strong mint, like four. I was still very hungry as my racing tires took the sharp bend in the road. And out from the forest was a beautiful Waterwheel, the biggest waterwheel I had ever saw. I don't know it reminded me of an amusement park. It was nice, I see where the community was going. But did it have to be so big?

I pulled up the stone clubhouse, where cars were scattered about. Clearly people were here for the interviews. I popped another mint and rubbed my tummy as I entered the candle lit space. It was a clubhouse that featured a large dining room and kitchen. It was about 40 people here; they were scattered throughout the restaurant. I sat closest to the entry way of the dining room. I relaxed in my chair and turned my phone to silent.

The manager entered the restaurant, his name was Hector Padilla. He stared the room over, and then he divided us into sections. Two older women stayed together, the males except for 2 stayed together, they were lumped in with a very large crowd of 20 something women. He called out 3 names and more, I'm assuming managers came from the back. They took their new crews and left me sitting alone in the dining room.

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