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I sat in my car counting my Friday night tips. I was super happy, about it. I had almost $400 in cash, and my debit tips were almost $200. I never told my girl about the cash, like never. Why did she need to know? She let me know every day, that she did not need my money. And whenever she received a new tax statement, she would scream how much she makes a year for the entire year. Which always eclipsed my money. Last year she made almost a 100 grand jamming breathing tubes down people's throats. I wish I would have known about this profession in college. I was so focused on stupid ass liberal arts degree and I totally convinced I was going to law school. That I never thought of anything outside of getting the grades for law school. I graduated cum laude from Georgia State, but my single mom didn't have the credit to get the private bank loans that I needed for law school. I didn't have the luck for scholarships either. Believe me, I've tried them all.

But Corbin stood beside me. She graduated and excelled at her career. While I found out the Waterwheel was hiring waiters, for $10 an hour plus tips. Money wasn't terrible but this wasn't a court room and to be honest I didn't have a clue what I was going to do with a history degree. Most days I had nightmares about being a teacher. It was always me and some superhot 17 year old having sex and bam I'm in prison for 100 years.

I always put my money into new hiding places every night. I always thought of places that I knew she wouldn't look. We had just had Raina 3 months ago, so she was totally neglecting our malti poo Sheena. So I would throw the cash in the dog biscuits box. Trust me Corbin didn't give a damn about Sheena since Raina came. She talked every week about just giving her away. Most of the time, I was completely disturbed at how she was just so willing to throw her out. Most women felt guilt about having a baby on their dogs.

But my Corbin wasn't all bad. She was actually one the most amazing women I knew. I was the problem in this relationship. I cheated a lot and for no real reason. Corbin was gorgeous. She bounced back after our baby. And trust me the shit I saw in delivery seemed liked some shit you would never bounce back from. But Corbin was back at work and back taking care of me and Raina. Raina was perfect too. Her eyes were big and blue and she had the curliest black hair. I was amazed at how connected I felt to her. I can't lie I was kind of disappointed when I found it was a girl. I didn't know what to do with a girl. I mean I had baby brothers and every female I knew outside of family, I had a sexual encounter with. So a daughter was a huge surprise. But she was incredible, just like mommy. Even when I was fucking up as a father, my little Raina smiled through it. She stilled loved me in crooked diapers, and she really loved it when I sampled baby food, that was entirely too hot.

I began to smile, just thinking of greeting the two of them as my phone buzzed and lit up. I let out a big sigh. These girls were always texting me for something. Mainly trying to get to know me, dying for a connection I would never give them. I scrolled through and deleted every text and laughed at Larsa. She told me she would see me in hell, and that she hoped I choked on a chicken bone, and now she wanted to talk again. Truth is, she was too clingy and needy. No one at the Waterwheel was worth a relationship. They were all too something. But I did wanna fuck Taylor pretty bad. Her tits were amazing, and they were on such a little woman. She was trying to play hard to get by not calling right away, but I knew eventually she would call. They all came on their own. I never begged or whined for any woman's attention. I damn sure wasn't going to start with an assistant bartender. It had been a month and she hadn't even texted. I even gave her a little extra attention at work, that normally made them call right away. But not Taylor, she was weird. I couldn't read who she was. She was nice to everyone, even me. She never gave me any emotion it was so weird. She didn't care about anything.

I got inside Corbin's well decorated apartment. She was all scrubbed in and ready for work and Raina was awake. I took my beautiful baby girl, and kissed my even prettier lady.

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