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Maverick was about 5 months old and he had more hair than I knew what to do with. It was funny styling it every morning some mornings I could tell he was all for something and other mornings I couldn't get him to sit still to save his soul. My little slacker life of taking five-hour naps was over. Sex all night long with Jace or any freaking man was over. I was always doing something Maverick related.

I had a boob job since giving birth to him. I just had it about a month ago. I was healing quite nicely. I felt great. They were pealing a little, but they were perfect. I had them reduced and gummy bear implant put in. After Maverick was born they were insanely big and it caused my back to ache. So now they were back down to the size they were in high school. Regular Ds and not triple like they had ballooned to. This surgery was Maverick related as well.

I had a job interview today at the local school board, I was going to be a teacher. I was going to teach 10th grade literature. No, I didn't want to change some kids life. I just wanted weekends and summers off. The money would be fine wouldn't be as nice as being a bartender, but I couldn't do that anymore. Maverick needed his mommy. I still had a shit ton of papi's inheritance along with a few extra thousands from my flip with Jace and he supported little Maverick. Jace and I were going to pick my nanny today since I was going back to work. In the meantime, Regina, off all people would be watching my little Maverick. I was nervous. She and I did not really like one another. Getting to know her made me dislike her a whole lot more. Before I understood why she did not like me, but now I was kind of confused as to why she did not like me. But she loved Maverick and my sister could not get off today, so she was all I had. Jace had three meetings and class.

I went to my door with little Maverick in tow. Regina and her asymmetrical bob smiled sweetly at me, and I smiled. She was so stupid.

"Those heeled nicely. Corbin said she would've gotten implants after Raina but she had too work and she wanted her child to know what a natural woman looked like. She didn't won't her thinking women were big breasted bimbos." She said with a smirk. I wanted to kick this woman off my porch.

"So is Corbin still getting married this summer?" I asked. As I walked to my car.

"She sure is, Jace already RSVP'd." she said as if she was telling me something he did not know.

"Really, who is he bringing as a date?" I asked terrified to mess with her. She thought she was really bothering me.

"Not sure. Something about a Simone." She said going into my doorway. I had to hold in my laughter. Jace complained to me last night about Simone wearing dirty jeans. I told him to mark them without her knowing, because he couldn't figure out what was off about her odor. Sure enough she wore the same Rock and Republics 3 days in a row. Jace was focused on money, not a real girlfriend. As I back out of my driveway, I was blocked in by a fucking Ferrari. Who in the hell? I watched as the door came open, and Orion emerged.

I got out of the car and ran to him for a hug.

"Wow...you look incredible." He said holding onto my waist. Maverick feeding on me 4 times a day, shrunk me down to my high school weight. I was tiny. He was still gorgeous and still had his rocker chic thing working for him. His brown hair was longer and he always smelled amazing. I told him I had an interview and that I could meet him for coffee afterwards and he agreed. I looked back at the porch where, Regina and her bob stood. She was going to tell Jace.

My interview was just me signing paperwork to send off my background check. I had a degree and the substituting I did while pregnant certified me for the classroom. It took me all of 45 minutes. I was making perfect time. I could have coffee with Orion and then do interviews with Jace.

I entered into the coffee house and Orion was signing autographs and talking to a middle-aged white male, I recognized him from the Waterwheel. We all stood around laughing like old friends. Then finally Orion and I got to be alone. He and I sat talking about the intense feelings we had for one another. I listened to him, but I knew I wasn't in that head space anymore. Back then I was dying for Jace to commit to me. I was dying for his extra affection. I wanted him to profess his love and take me on dates. I wanted to celebrate our love. Orion filled the hole in my heart. He wasn't a real love, he licked the wounds Jace had left. I love Jace. But I let him down easy.

"Things are different." I said with tears in my eyes. I knew I was hurting him. I had not told him much about Jace. Just that he was a player.

"Nashville it is then." Orion said kissing my hand. "I'll be there. If you need me. It can be anything." Orion said quietly.

"Taylor." Jace said in a very what the fuck tone. I looked at my watch, he was right on time. Orion and I had gone over. Orion stared at Jace, and Jace stared at him back.

"Asshole." Orion saidwalking away. Jace shrugged and took a seat beside me. He wrapped his armaround me and took my hand into his. He squeezed it lovingly as we introducedourselves to the first nanny.

Jace and Taylorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن