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I looked up at Maverick Arthur -Jace, he had been delivered by c-section. Taylor had some minor complications and he was delivered by c section. Which is why I had to look up at my little man. He was big and strong. It was a different feeling from Raina's birth. With Raina when I saw her face I melted inside, I cried. I wanted nothing to happen to my sweet baby girl. But with little Maverick, I felt prideful, my instant little best friend. Maverick was 20 inches and damn near 8 pounds. 2 pounds more than Raina. It's funny, Corbin's belly was huge and we had a 6 pound baby, while, Taylor's belly got fat at the end and here was an 8 pound little man.

Maverick was cleaned off and placed into my arms and I started to cry. His hands were little but huge in comparison to my tiny little Raina hands. I removed his hat and his hair was thick and black, I smiled at him, my little man, he took a firm grip onto my finger.

"Let me feed him." Taylor said as I walked the baby over to her. I was nervous, her breast were filled and swollen with milk, bigger than normal. Typically, they were grapefruit, right now they were fucking cantaloupes.

"Holy shit." I said staring at her huge boobs. I never saw a newborn work but my little man held the boob up while he sipped, he seemed to get high from whatever Taylor was giving him. I snickered a bit. "Look at him." I said pointing to him as he seemed completely satisfied. I kissed him and I kissed her. I was shocked she allowed me to. I stared at the two of them and thought of all that got us to this moment. His little life was the reason for it. I respect her for laying her life down so that he could be here.

I drank some water from a tumbler that they gave me. I had to make sure my voice didn't crack. "Taylor, I'm sorry." I said before she cut me off.

"All that's in the past. I want us to focus on the future. Giving him two loving parents. I want us to get along, me, you, Raina, and Corbin." She said. "It's all about your children." She said. Your children played in my head over and over. Made me think of what kind of future I wanted them to have. Every move I began to make was about them. My ego became quieter. Dating took a backseat to my children's future. I mean yeah, girls were always in the picture, but in and out, and only Taylor, Raina, and Corbin remained the most important.

The law path I took was more focused on tax code, laws, and real estate. I did not wanna be in a court room arguing guilt and innocence, just to boost my own ego, IF I got an acquittal. I wanted a corporate job that paid me six figures and gave me access to all sorts of shit, that would benefit my children. So, I buckled down in school, and flipped more and more properties. I even got Taylor to invest.

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