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I had been flipping houses, studying and babysitting. I hadn't had any time for fun. On top of those things occupying my life, I had brought my own home in Inman Park. I loved the neighborhood and my kids had a lot of space. I got a dog as well, for those lonely nights when I thought about calling over some poor girl. But I had been doing good with women.

I went downstairs to let Taylor in. She was going to house sit for me while Maverick and I went to the wedding. She seemed excited about being alone in my house. A little to excited. She had all her little bath bombs and soaps and butters just for 3 bathtub marathons she liked to take.

"I need to iron his little pants." Taylor said hanging up his diaper bag. I grabbed him and he gave me his little smile. We proceeded to pick at mommy he twisted her brown pigtail while I tapped the tops of her boobs. I still couldn't believe she got implants. They felt natural, but nothing felt better than the old ones. "You're still wearing gray pants and an emerald green shirt?" She asked steaming an infant's shirt. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Yep." I said pulling Maverick away once he started to chew on her hair. I watched her as she went into my closet and picked out brown shoes and brown belt. Changing from my black and black. She even changed my socks. She had just brought them from Target.

"They go better. It's summer, you wanna look like you're not wearing socks, but actually they are short." She said smiling at me. I was kind of shocked at how much thought she put into me. I also saw the boxers, tanks, and socks she brought for me. Which made think.

"Hey, did you get them a gift?" I whispered to Taylor.

"Yes. She was registered at Neimans." Taylor said. My body tensed up a bit. Everything was expensive in Neimans.

"What did you get them?" I asked kind of worried. She joked about nothing being cheap on the list.

"So, you brought them a chip and dip platter, and some cheese knives." I rolled my eyes. Sounded like Corbin and John.

"How much was that?" I was not nervous, but I did not want to spend stupidly.

"A little over a thousand dollars." Taylor said nervously. I had it. But I did not like them that much.

"I don't like them that much; you should have brought them something at Target." I said going to search for the gift. She said she had it packaged and sent to them already.

"Thanks." I said smiling at her. If I were not going to the wedding I would have her cook me a meal. She probably had plenty of energy being that she had a damn nanny in the day while she was teaching. She did not do much at her job. She did the state minimum and played movies at the end of every week. I helped her grade papers a lot. We spent a lot of nights together. Cuddling while Maverick took over the bed. Sometimes she and I would lay and listen to country ballads with lights down low. I thought about life with her. I knew it would not be combustible with constant fights. Taylor was not a fighter. She was not a pushover either, but finding issues and faults was not her thing.

"Come with me and Maverick tonight?" I asked Taylor.

"No. I'm sure Corbin doesn't wanna see me on the most important day of her life." Taylor said staring at our baby's nails.

"It's her wedding day, she's not going to care what happened between she and I 2 years ago. Come with me." I said.

"I'm in pajamas. I didn't bring anything." She had a makeup bag here.

"Do your make up, and I'll buy you a dress on the way there." I said. She stared at our baby boy for a minute. Then she looked into my eyes. I remembered the first time I saw her. I knew then that she was different, and that she would change things for me forever. She agreed and we stopped at some overpriced boutique where she picked a taupe dress. I hated the color. But the dress looked great on Taylor's body.

"That color." I said staring at it. I saw her laugh.

"I picked the color to make sure I wasn't taking attention away from the bride." She said. I rolled my eyes. She did not know Corbin; her dress was going to be fucking huge. Everyone was going to know that she was the bride. Her parents were going to make sure of that.

My little family and I arrived at the St Regis. Valet took my car and we followed the signs for the West ceremony. Taylor got us two seats in the back, and I went to find Raina. Corbin's brothers stared at me as I headed toward' s their mother. She had Raina. Raina jumped down and ran to me. Her mother stared at me tight lipped as my baby girl thanked me for her bracelet and necklace.

"Mommy looks perfect." Raina said.

"Does she. I'm sure she is." I said holding onto her. She told me some shit about some fairies until I was told I needed to have a seat. I told my baby girl I would see her when she came down the aisle. I sat beside Taylor and Maverick and watched the wedding through my Ray Ban's. They must of spent a hundred grand on flowers. They were everywhere. The St. Regis also charged $500 a night for a regular room. I knew her parents were loaded, but sheesh. I watched as her bridesmaids came down the aisle. They wore a soft pink. Her wedding was very fairytale like. It reminded me of something right out of one of those bridal books she looked at all the time. I used to want something on the beach in some Caribbean country. But lately, I would really go to the courthouse and marry, and it would be over with. I would buy Taylor a nice ring, but all this crap, I don't think so.

Then we all stood, and it was the moment of truth. Taylor and I bet $20 on what her gown would look like. I knew she would wear something huge and puffy. Taylor agreed that it would be big but nothing puffy. I saw her at the top of the stairs, and I snickered as Taylor gave me a $20. I watched as she made her journey down the aisle. I remember thinking of this moment and breaking out in hives. I could picture her, but never myself at the end of the aisle. I always knew I was not the guy for her, but I was too selfish and immature to let her go. As she walked with her father on a bed of white roses, that Raina sprinkled so perfectly with pink flowers, she stared me right in my eyes with one eye- brow raised. She was gorgeous but she stared at me so evilly. Her father whispered something, and she instantly perked up. I watched Corbin go to another man and I felt relieved and happy. I always knew I could never give her any of this. I could never live up to her family standards. In this moment I was happy for her and wanted to get the hell out of here.

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