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I ordered a French martini and a grab Jace a Heineken. He had hot hor devours for the two of us and his mother had Maverick. He and I enjoyed our food and drink in a quiet corner. We people watched quietly as the crowd mingled with one another. Jace told me silly things about different people that he had met while dating Corbin all those years. Some of the stories made me almost want to spit my drink out. He and I watched our baby from the across the room. I still didn't care much for Regina and she was still up Corbin's ass, but I supposed she like Maverick. He was comfortable with her, and he had fallen asleep as she walked around with her grandson. I was just happy to eat and not have a little man pulling at my boobs. I stared at Jace with a smirk after thinking that thought.

"Do you really wanna stay for the reception?" He asked. I didn't mind either way he decided.

"It's up to you." I said smiling at him. He looked me over and looked around the room. He stood up and went to his mother who was in conversation with Corbin's aunt that he said once sexted him her boobs. Regina and the freak looked at me as Jace took the sleeping Maverick, I wondered what Regina had told her?

Ten minutes later we were riding down 85 to his place. We pulled into his garage and we worked together as silent as possible to keep Maverick asleep. 8 was his normal bedtime, but sometimes he would awake, to sit up and talk with me. His little babble was the cutest sound ever. But tonight, me and Jace wanted some alone time. I washed my baby boy in chamomile and rub in down in lavender oil, I gave him a warm bottle and he was right back out. We put him into his crib with his favorite bear and Jace and I got into bed.

We started a movie on his oversized screen. I laughed.

"What size is this thing?" I said resting my head on his chest as some comic book film started.

"I got to match the size of dick." He said sliding my hand into his boxers. I squealed in laughter as he kissed my neck. It had been a whole year since the last time I had sex, and for Jace, according to him a whole 3 months. We kissed sweetly. "I wanna ask you something." He said pecking my lips.

"Yeah what." I said caressing his long slim neck with my finger.

"How do you feel about marriage..." His voice cracked and he was a bit nervous as he stammered on to the next part of his question "How do you feel about marrying me?" He asked unsurely and shamefully. I paused in kissing. I thought about us. I did not open up a lot and for him I was as open as can be. I was committed to him very early on. We had a son, and having a life with him seemed ideal. I stared at his face. He was nervous. I guess he thought of all his selfishness, and all the reasons why I would say no. He was scared pale. I counted backwards from 10 before I said a word.

"Well I want a real proposal." I said to Jace's pale face. He smiled a wide smile.

"Okay." He nodded with excitement.

"Nothing to insane. Just me and you, a RING, and you on one knee." I said kissing his lips. He nodded and kissed me with excitement. I wrapped my leg around his super slim waist and he pulled my other leg around him and stared down at me, and for the first time ever Jace said

"I love you so much Taylor. I always knew you were the one for me baby." He said crying.

"I love you too." I said wiping away his tears. Wow, I never expected that.

We were awakened by Maverick crying into the baby monitor beside his bed. I rolled over and Jace wasn't in bed. It was about 8:30. I took a quick tinkle and ran to my little man. He needed to be changed. I changed him and fed him. I put some bacon in the oven and texted Jace. I wondered where he went, I would have loved a good morning kiss. I put on some cinnamon rolls, something sweet for my little sweet. As everything was coming out of the oven Jace returned. I embraced him for a hug and kiss. It felt good to tell him all the things I had held back for 2 ½ years.

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