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I was walking upon the river when this thick fog runs upon me. I heard a men screaming "Its the DEAD-LIVING"

The people were screaming and running towards their houses locking all their dors and windows.

Only soldiers and a man stood there waiting for those Dead people. I tought such brave and stupid people.

This man in a uniform colored by read and white colors started screaming "ATACK"

I had a feeling inside me ,that this man is no good to me, that this is not the last time I'm going to see him.

And my feelings we're never wrong.

About anything.

I run to my home to tell my parents of this DEAD-LIVING

When I got there My house didn't look like before. It was as equill to other peoples houses but now it was big and masive and kitch. A lot.

I went inside to find my parents, but they we're no where to be find. 'Strange' I tought.

Then this man came close to me and said "Madam who are u looking for?You should be in your room. Those are the Sirs comands"

I tought "Who did say such a stupidity"

"Madam whatch your language. Your husband Sir Diego is going to be mad at you again if he finds out about this"

"Diego? Husband"

"Madam,are you feeling okay? You look a little pale. Its like you just found out abou your husband. You are in a mariage for 5 months now"

"Me in a marriage?"

"Yes Madam"

And then it all went black again.

I woke up remembering this strange dream and those strange words.

I would remember my marriage dear Lord. I know that for sure.

What is going on?


Hi this is my new profile and I can't delete my old one.I'm gonna rewritte all the stories from that profile later on.This is my newest one .Hope you like it.
Please do vote on it. It means a lot. Hope you all are doing okay. If you need to talk my dms are open 24/7 ye little rascals.

Yours truly Crimson Mist

Aka Your Queen😉

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