THE Dreadful Hades

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Roger just started wheezing at me.

"Well Milady that's a funny joke, it's alright. I can take you back to your husband...." I raised my hand but before I could start talking for him to shut up, Wylie pulled out his sword and put it on the Rogers throat.

Alarming both of the crews to pull out their swords.


Wylie turned to me and the ship behind me and nodded his head, realizing that he could get us both killed, and that I already had a plan.

"Same for them Roger" I said already aggravated.

"Put them down, they are no danger" at which Wylie scoffed.

"As I was saying. I. Am. Here. For the Captain. I really do not understand why is that so difficult for your fried brain to consume it. And when you give him to us... we are going to leave in peace, me WITH them. I don't have a husband and Diego is never to be one. At least not to me, so you are not going to say anything to him. Or do I need to remind you that one wrong move and that letter is going to be published."

Seeing him visibly gulp I smile successfully.

"You do not need to remind me at all, Milady. I very clearly understand that. MILES bring out Hades" Roger made a statement clenching his teeth.

"Are you sure, Captain?"

"Just do it"

Seeing the boy, or shall I dare say man, going to the other part of the ship I turned to reach the crossing boards so I can hurry to the other ship. But I was shortly stopped by Rogers voice saying "Fair warning Milady, even though I despise Diego...he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants, and he wants you" making me stop at my track.

Wylie ushered me by lifting his hand for me, making it easier to get up at our little bridge.

I never really had experience with pirates before, until now.

From the stories I've heard they are vicious, dreadful, criminals above all.
But I have mixed feelings when it comes to believing stories from people.

These pirates I've meet, have showed me nothing to fear to. At least not yet. And I hope it stays that way, long as possible.

Taking my slow and pretty time to cross the little made up bridge, I heard grunting behind me. So as any semi-normal person would have done I turned around just as I stepped on the deck.

Before my eyes, still crossing, with his left hand wrapped around Wiley's neck and the other clutching his right leg, was a man.
Even with him being injured you cannot underestimate the beauty of him.

His semi-long brown hair waved as the gust of wind stroke it. Even though he had a wrinkled face due to the pain, the sharp jaw, his full lip and the sea blue eyes, in which the storm was taking its place, were clearly outlined.

The once white shirt was now yellow with blood stains and torn at its end. It upper half was not all the way buttoned allowing everyone to have a clear view of his muscled front. Blood stain on the front a little below his left shoulder was already dried.

That piece of fabric from his shirt was now tied above the injury on his right leg where he was clutching his hand. His bloody leg shone in the Sun making the blood extra bright. Other than that hole, his pants were intact. Their end was showed in his black boots.
As Wylie and the still unknown Captain got on back on the deck, Wylie shouted "WEIGH ANCHOR AND HOIST THE MIZZEN!" making all the crew scramble back.

(A/N "Weigh anchor and hoist the Mizzen-an order to the crew to pull up the anchor and get the ship sailing!")

"M'lady can ye help me self clean tha Cap'n up?"

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