My Julian talk

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From me stitching Julian up went a couple hours ago, since it is already night time, and the crew stopped the ship somewhere close to an abandoned island.
Although Julian's words are still pretty stuck in my mind, not only that but his captivating eyes to. I made a decision to be his friend. Or at least try to be one, since I have yet to ask to stay here.

I was snooping at my dinner while others were laughing out loud and telling each other some jokes. Wylie who was not yet seated on the table tapped my shoulder, so I looked him in the face.

"Can yer give tis to Julian m'lady?" Just now noticing that in his right hand he had a plate with food I nodded my head slowly and said "No problem Wylie"

I wasn't even that hungry so I took the plate and excused myself from the table. Leaving the crew to have fun and drink their night away.

Julians cabin was a floor above so I took the little ladders and carefully went up, watching not to spill any of the food from the plate.

It really didn't take me long to reach his cabin, so I knocked three times just to make sure I don't go to see him half naked, or naked. Not that I would mind.... 'For Christ Sake Adelaide' I thought to myself 'You already saw him half naked, be satisfied' It is true but then I didn't have a good look at him, I mean I WAS sewing him...

Hearing a faint "Enter" I slowly opened the door only to find dear Captain Hades half see now I could have a good look.

As he was lying in bed with the sheets covering everything down his abdomen. Even with scars his toned body was beautiful. I mean he was beautiful, "nope Adelaide you are not going that road..."

Shutting the door behind me as I entered the chamber I spoke "Good morning sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?"

"Very well milady" he said clenching his jaw as he was getting up to sit.

"Don't push your self Captain..." that's when he interrupted by saying "...Julian.." making me roll my eyes at him

"Whatever Julian, here." I said giving him the plate as I was now next his bed.

"Sit Adelaide, let's talk for a bit, aye"

Nodding my head I sat next to his torso carefully, paying attention not to hurt him.

"What is on your mind Julian? What's the wish to talk to me now?"

"Impatient are we now" Julian said as he let out a short laugh.

Without saying one word, I waited for him to continue.

"Let us start from the beginning then, how did you got on me boat Adelaide?"

"It's a bloody weird story, and you wouldn't believe me anyway" I sighed.

As he prepped himself even more at the head of the bed, he said "Try me, I saw more things on the sea that none want to belive"

"I was supposed to get married, to someone I didn't think I loved, some cruel commander. However one night, I don't know whether to look at it as salvation from that man or as an evil that has now separated me from my family, they came like a fog that came with them, those pirates who were already dead but alive. Indescribably strange. My parents, knowing who they were, yet still didn't think to tell it to me, came to pick me up to go with them to the hideout, but those dead-alive people had already started entering our house, so they told me to run, to run to the pier. To run to safety. I last saw them there, but I know they're not dead. They are too stubborn for something like that. My father gave me a sword and just pushed me to go, saying that they would be fine and that he was sorry for Diego. The man I was supposed to be a married to. Mostly running through that thick fog, I came across a dock and climbed onto a boat. That's where I fell asleep. Eventually I woke up with swords, rifles in my face and your entire crew ready to throw sharks at me. There we temporarily agreed for me to help find you since I know a few people through my father, and they let me stay with them until you make a decision. It is an abbreviated version of this story."

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