
33 4 14

My head is still full of questions.

Who is this strange man?
Why am I in a marriage?
Who or What are the Living Dead?

"Honney"-it was my mother calling for me-"Adelaide may I come in"

My mother's name is Mariah, while my father's name is Mathias. Yes Mariah and Mathias Shylton. They were 18 when they got married. Its the culture of our people. At least the noble ones. The law says a underage marriage could be preformed only as a concract or with a parent's approval. I was never the kinda gall to judge people. But I do trust my instincts.

"Why of course you may mother"-I replied. My mother was about 5 foot tall. She had brown hair,and shiny brown eyes. Today she was wearing her favorite cream dress.

"Good morning my dear.You have to get ready. Today is a special day for you."

"What do you mean mother?"

As soon as my mother opened her mouth my father opened the door once more

"Princess good morning. Mariah did you told her the news yet"-My father was the opposite of my mother. While she was soft faced, he had a sharp jowline. He was 6 foot tall. Black hair and brown eyes. Wearing his uniform he always looked sharp as a butchers knife. But he was oposite of that. At least to me he was,

"I was just about to dear. Adelaide you my child are getting married in a few days and today you are going to meet you husband to be"

I was in shock at least said.

"But Mother, Father I-I...."I stuttered for a moment and the tittle came to me
"I do not want a marriage, I am to young, I have years until I fond my soulmate"

"Adelaide darling, we tought of telling you before but you would just make a scene..." "Like today"-aded my father, then my mother continued "This the best way, politicaly, you will have a good future and love will come by at time"

"NO !"-I yeled first time at my parents, and they we're stunned by my actions -"You do not understand. Love will not come. I don't want to marry a man yet. I'm waitting for true love to come at my door. You two only care about politics"

"Enough Adelaide. You are getting married and thats the end of the line"-said my father then he left my room.

"Honey it is for the best"-and then she followed him.

I couldn't be in that room anymore so I went out for a little walk.

My family knew me as a girl who listens to them. Because that what every family has here. But I can't listen to them always. Maybe they know that but I doubght that. They don't show much interest in that, so neither do I. And its okay. Its how our family works.

While I was walking with my head full of toughts like 'Maybe I should make a run' or 'Maybe this man was good', I walked right on two soilders in blue & red uniform who we're beating a young child.

I know I'm not a hero but I'm not helpless either so I took a basket near by and swung it then hit one of the soilders.

"Ouch"-older man yelled-"How dare you hit me"

"You should not beat a helpless child no matter who you are"

"I can do whatever I want I am lords right hand, young lady. Now come here, my lord will be pleased to know we have a lady under our barns"

Only the older man talked, the other stayed silent and held the boy who was there

"I shall not come with you"

"I-"-he was interupted by a man I saw before. I saw him in my dream.

"What is going on here . Sailor explain in 5 seconds"

"This child was running around stealing things, and while we we're punishing him this lady came along and hit me Master by the head. So I tought—"

"Fivd seconds are up. Let the Lady go. And leave the child alone "

"But Master.."-the soilder was still not up for

"Excuse me Sire my name is Adelaide. May you tell this man to let go of me and my friend. My family is going to show you so much grateness. As much as you want it"-i was being ready to just go home and pry that man will be decent and kind.

"Well Adelaide your name is beautiful. No need to payback for now. I have a feeling that we shall meet again. Soilders move now. We have a meeting to atend to"

And as quickly they we're gone.

"Thank you Adelaide"

I knew the boy. He was kind to me always.

"Its okay Stephan . Go home.Your mother shall be worried"- I told him then left and got back to my own house

Of corse I still wanted my parents to know that I do not wan't marriage, that I want to go on the sea. To feel the wind at my hair. But...but I understood them. They did this so I can have some future. So we can have some future.

I guess Love will just have to find its own way.


So I know this chapter is kinda boring but stay patient . We have some advanture close by. Maybe around the corner, who knows😉

Stay true to your self in these hard times. Remember If you need anything my DMs are open 24/7

Yours truly

Crimson Mist

Pirate Or The PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora