3)Piano lessons and Tabaco shops

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After the whole mill incident, we decided to go our separate ways around mid afternoon to prepare ourselves for school tomorrow and have dinner with our family. It was getting dark by the time I had stumbled through the front door and was quickly attacked by mother's loud calls from the kitchen in order for me to help her. Taking off my suit jacket quickly and placing it on the coat rack, I walked into the kitchen to see that my mother was sorting out files upon files of documents for my father's work. "You called, mother," my voice was a soft tone and so was my mother's as she replied "Yes dear, I just need help moving these to the lounge so the maid can lay the table for dinner." 

About twenty minutes had passed by as we were now sat at the dinner table, all three of us, serving ourselves heaps of chicken and vegetables as the record player, placed in the lounge in the room next door, played "It's been a long, long time" by Harry James. Looking up from my plate, I watched my father analysing the newspaper as a cigarette dangled in the corner of his lip. "There's trouble brewing in Germany again," my father groaned loudly as he placed the newspaper on the floor by his feet and got back to eating. "When is there not," my mother shook her head slowly and for some odd reason there was a pause. I think even the maid in the door way could feel the tension rising. "Well, I'm going to go into the lounge for my piano lesson," I was now on my feet and stood in the door way to the lounge. "Okay, love," she said softly as I then took a seat at the piano.

My piano lessons are always taught by the butler and he takes pride in teaching me such sweet notes. I've never been a true fan of playing an instrument but I do it to please my mother since she never got the opportunity to do such an activity. I quickly finished up playing and placed my suit jacket back on before peaking into the kitchen to tell my mother I was quickly popping out to the tobacco shop. "I'll be back soon," I said quickly before grabbing some spare cash off the corridor table and left into the cold streets.

Upon arriving at the shop, it was dark and I could see no one in the shop accept the cashier, the owner himself, stood reading the newspaper and twizzling his long black moustache. Opening the door let out a small jingle of a bell on top of the door, making him turn his attention to me. Once he saw that it was me, he smiled at me and I smiled back as walked up to counter and asked for my regular, Marlboro. Without question, he grabbed the packet and placed it on the newspaper he had just placed down. My eyes caught a glimpse of the headline, "June 10,1939 – Up Rise in Germany", before I placed the required money on the surface and walked back outside into the cold air. Taking a few steps to the side of the shop, I leaned up on the side of the wall, down a small alley, so I could have my cig in peace; but, just my luck, that never happens. I placed one of my freshly purchased cigarettes between my lips and then let out a long drag of smoke. Tilting my head up to see the moon above my head, I closed my eyes for a bit before I suddenly didn't see it's bright light on my eyelids. My eyes snapped open, and to my amaze, it was the blonde male from the docks stood before me. The cigarette that was placed between my lips almost fell to the ground because I opened my mouth in amazement as if I was a child. Quickly, I clasped my lips together again and help the cigarette between my fingers just in case. 

"What's a rich boy like you doing around here at this time of night?" his voice was deep but soothing, he smelt of sea water slightly because he still had his work clothes on but he looked a little cleaner. "Buying cigs," I said adjusting my posture to meet his height and look him in the eyes. A small smirk appeared on his lips before he took a step back and leaned on the opposite wall before pulling out a cigarette of his own and releasing a long drag of smoke into the atmosphere. I must have been staring at him for him to have said "Is there something on my face?" in his husky voice. "No," I spoke a little too fast so I took one last exhale of smoke before putting it out on the floor and turning on my heel to leave. Before I could take another step, a strong hand tied itself onto my shoulder and made me stop for the brief second I did thanks to what came next. Slowly, the blonde moved in closer and whispered into my ear from behind and spoke these soft words "See you later, Rich Boy." 

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