13) Time

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A/N: bit of a short one here but only a few (maybe even one or two) chapters to go because I wasn't planning this to bed a long book.

*Charlie's POV*

After Oscar told me he was leaving, we sat and talked about anything just to distract from the fact we'd never get to do this again. Many may say I'm a fool and think I'll believe anyone will last more than a year on the front lines of a battle soon to come? Hitler is a mad man and if he really does start this war, god, he might just live a month...

But, we still talked. We talked and talked till we had no spit left to mister another word from either of ours mouths. So, we called it a night and started to walk home. It was silent and when we reached my house, I finally spoke.

"Hey, I'll come to your house before the train leaves," to which, he smiled and nodded as I walked inside my house.

Once the door was shut, I sighed and felt my stomach drop to the floor. I gathered the strength to walk myself to my room, lock the door, fall face first onto my bed and fall straight asleep with tears rolling down my face.


The next morning happened so fast it felt like it barely happened. I woke up at the crack of damn to run to Oscar's flat and help him get his stuff together to leave. But before we went to the train station, I pulled out a record from my satchel and placed it on his old music player. It started playing "It's Been A Long, Long Time" and that's all Oscar needed to understand that it was one of those goodbye dances girls gave their boyfriends before they left for war. He had no complaints and just took me into his arms. So for a while, only a little while, we slow danced in the golden lit room.

At the train station, I waved him goodbye, trying to not seem like the true wimp I am and cry as he got on the train. He didn't look back and I'm glad he didn't because if he did, I might have just jumped on the train with him.

As the silhouette of the train disappeared into the sunrise, I walked back to my house. And when I was home, I didn't say a word. I didn't say a word to my parents when they asked when I left so early. I didn't say a word when Emily asked why I looked so dull. I didn't say a word when I closed the door on all three of their faces and walked to my record player. I just turned the volume up with the small dial and started playing "My hat's on the side of my head" to brighten my mood.


It's been a month since Oscar left Dover and it was official, the notorious World War 2 had started. Father did what he said he was going to do, he left for the army and I was left to look after his business. Mother was busy worrying about my father's well being and I didn't wish to stressed anymore. Evelyn decided to join the women's rights movement here in Dover, at the docks making weapon for the war that showed women were more than a maid who looked after every man's needs. So I was left alone at the house a lot, reading through files and getting myself up to date with: everything my father has done, who our allies were and where my father wanted this company to go.

But all I could think about was the fact I had no letter from Oscar yet. But, I didn't give up on him. I didn't think he was dead. I just thought he was busy with making his way to the newly dug up trenches on the front lines. I wasn't going to give up on him now, or ever for the matter.

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