9)Dinner Parties with memories

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At this point, I don't know what just happened. Firstly, the guy I've liked for two years now has just kissed me. Secondly, he's actually seen me being shit-faced at my own dinner party when I was fourteen. Thirdly, I think he likes me back plus the fact he's not as scary as he seems. We had just held hands walking down the hill and towards my house till it started to become busier, which I didn't mind how short it was because it was at least something. Walking up the stairs quietly trying not to wake anyone, I was caught by the sound of my mother's voice from the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen to accept my defeat, she stood up and gave me an odd look. "Why do you look like you've been dragged through a bush backwards?" my mother gestured towards my untamed hair and untucked shirt. "I was out messing with the boys, went down to the beach to mess around for a little while," my voice was calm but images of Oscar's face flashed into mind as my voice hitched at the end. "Whatever you say. Anyway, off to bed with you, I want you all rested up for tomorrow night because we're hosting a dinner party before everyone starts to go off on holiday for summer," her words shocked me because I knew full well she'd be inviting everyone in the neighbourhood and I knew that if she hired Oscar to work tomorrow, I'd never get to see him. Nodding, I took off up the stairs and past Evelyn's room where her awfully loud snoring was being projected.

Falling back onto my freshly made bed, I sighed and flicked me shoes off as well as removing my jacket. Taking off my tie slowly and unbuttoning my top button, I slid up to my pillows and cuddled one closely, imagining it was Oscar being pressed ever so close to myself. Slowly, my eyelids sealed shut and I was off to sleep, still cuddling my imaginary Oscar.

It was midday now and multiple maids were rushing around every room, dusting and hoovering. Pacing around my room anxiously, my mind was going at a million miles per hour but was quickly silenced when a knock came from the door. Evelyn walked in with her read dungaree dress which revealed a yellow shirt underneath and her pale complexion. "Mother asked me to check up on you since the entire house can hear your constant pacing from downstairs," her voice chirped as her hands where clasped behind her back. "I'm fine. Anyway, what's this sudden party about?"

"Another one of mothers grand plans on making me get friends here and not wanting to go back to London," she sighed before looking back at me "well, I hope you've gotten over your drinking problems; honestly, you're a mess when you're drunk."

The sun set quickly and guests started rushing into our house like wild animals. Sat in the conservatory at the back of the house, I was in company of the boys but also a few females our age that went to the all-girls school across the road from the all-boys one I attend at. The girls were busy flirting with Nico, like always, Rodger and Kyle were of course getting attention but it's always Nico with the most girls latched onto both of his arms (that's why he tends to avoid parties but he wanted to come to this one since it involved Evelyn). With a sigh, I get up and start walking around in the hopes to find the only person who truly mattered right now, Oscar. Maybe ten minutes had passed and there was no sign of Oscar anywhere, which resulted in me giving into my friends who were trying to shove alcoholic beverages down my throat. Maybe three bottles in, things started to get blurry and my friends had started to notice; so being the smart friends they are, they took me upstairs to my room with a glass of water and told me to stay there for a while so my mother wouldn't catch me in such a state.

Laying on my bed for a bit, I quickly got bored of my thoughts and stumbled over to my balcony to watch the stars and hear the conversations going on in the background. Then, a knock came from the door and my slurred voice called out for them to enter. To my astonishment, no one said anything so when I turned around to see the tall blonde figure in my room, I was at a loss of words. With a cheeky smile of his, he walked towards me in his red waistcoat and looked into my eyes deeply with those pearly eyes of his. Being almost completely out of myself, I quickly wrapped my eyes around his waist and pulled him into my arms, remembering what he said last night about wanting to hold me closer when I was like this. I do realise how forward I'm being but I've wanted to do so many things, like this, with him for so long it's hard for me to contain myself anymore. Two large arms wrapped themselves around my own waist as I hummed a little in joy. "God, you're adorable," he mumbled in my ear which made me aware that people were probably stood outside on the corridor. Digging my head into the curve of his neck, I mumbled back "Where were you all this time? I missed you," pouting, I tightened my grip a little.

"Doing extra hours at the docks. But I'm here now so," he spoke quietly in his soft tone and I replied with a hum to somewhat pardon him of his tardiness.

For a short while, we just stood holding each other with childish grins on our lips. Oscar then decided to grab the back of my thighs and, by instinct, I wrapped my scrawny legs around his waist. Still placing my head in the curve of his neck, he walked me over to the wall beside my door and pressed me against it, making my head pop up to meet his pearly eyes once more. "I'm gonna have to go downstairs in a minute but I'll come back upstairs to check on you in a bit," quickly, he placed his soft lips to mine as I quickly melted into his touch. Slowly, he dropped me back down to my feet. Pulling away, he ruffled my hair quickly and left my room swiftly.

In the end, I went back to laying on my bed with a large grin but I think the alcohol had finally hit, so I drifted to sleep before Oscar even got a chance to come back.

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