10)Studying too Hard

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A/N: sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! But  I'm hoping to get back to uploading regularly from here on out.


Two weeks had passed since the dinner party I don't think I've actually managed to talk to him. On the day after the party, I woke up about mid-day meaning I had less time to cram in all the homework, from Mr Write's history class, last minute. Then, it was back to Monday but now things started to get a lot more serious because next year was my last year at school so I had to make sure I made a passing mark to give my parents a reason for sending me to such an expensive school. Now there was only two weeks left of the term, meaning all afternoons contained of activities of shoving my head between hard-back books for a good few hours.

It was a late, rainy, Friday afternoon, mother and father were out at the neighbour's house for a casual catch up dinner. I was busily laid back on my bed as I read a book over my head loosely. Letting out a large sigh of desperation for anything to do, I heard a knock come from the far side of my room. At first, I thought it was Evelyn coming in to annoy me on her nightly routine, but the knock was sounded again and it was clear it was coming from my balcony. Confused, I rolled out of bed and walked to the balcony door slowly. Quickly pulling a curtain to one side, it revealed an all too familiar form, drenched from the rain. Hands quickly fumbling on the door knob, I quickly opened it for him to entire as I quickly dashed for my room door to make sure it was locked before I questioned Oscar.

"What the hell- "I began before a pair of sweet lips were placed on my own. I think I could get used to this. Looking him up and down, Oscar was wearing long pants (but rolled up a few times at the end), simple t-shirt tucked in and a ripped casual coat. To be frank, I've never really seen him wear anything that wasn't his work clothing and once again, I think I could get used to this. "The neighbours were fighting and my room was flooding. So, I thought of the only person I knew who had a sturdy roof over their head," he grinned as I shook my head but my lips also curved up in enjoyment to see him. "Give me a second," I spoke quickly as I left my room, ran to the bathroom to grab a towel and returned as I locked the door once more. Throwing the warm towel at his face, he started to dry his messy blonde hair before falling back onto my bed and chucking his coat to the side, as if this was his own room (not like I was complaining).

"You need anything?" I mumbled as I kicked his coat to the side and standing next to him. Humming a yes, he grabbed my waist and pulled me down to lay next to him. Going quiet for a second, I lifted a hand up to his face and moved the strands of thick blonde hair to the side so I could see his face. "Need anything else?" I smirked as he mockingly gave a questioned face and shook his head with a greedy smirk on his mouth. Nodding slowly, I shuffled closer and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck as I nuzzled into his shirt. "God, I missed how clingy you are," he joked into my ear as my cheeks quickly flushed a bright crimson colour.

"I really wish we could do this every day," my voice was nothing but a whisper as Oscar stopped making circular patterns on my back with his index finger. "Me too, me too," he muttered as his head slowly pulled away from leaning on my forehead and slowly smiled at me with that cute smile of his. Moving on top of me, on all fours, he looked at me with those greedy eyes of his, waiting for a yes, I reached up with my lips and sucked on his lower lip for a moment before I was quickly attacked with his affection. For a split moment, my mind started to think about Evelyn being down the corridor but then remember she'd be fast asleep by now and when I mean asleep, I truly mean there would have to be a loud ass bang to wake her up so us guys probably wouldn't even make her turn in her sleep.

Swiftly, Oscar's kissed moved down to my neck and every time he nibbled at my tender skin, I'd bite my lower lip to stop myself from letting a small noise of enjoyment. Coming back to my lips, I smiled into the kiss as he chuckled lightly as he took a breath "Do you ever stop smiling?" he said smirking at me as I shook my head before pulling his head down again and let our lips meet once more. Honestly, if this was all in an accepting time, some may say we're being VERY forward but its 1939, being gay is illegal and I'd say time is of the matter before someone will catch us stand a little too close or our hands brush a little too often when walking alone; So, I'm making every moment count. Now, back to the part where Oscar was making me reach up to kiss him, as he laid on top of me on all fours. Gradually, our kissing slowed down and each one became sweeter, calming. Rubbing my thumb on Oscar's rosy cheeks, he moved some of my floppy hair out of the way before he kissed my neck and placed his head in the crook of my neck. Finally realising that Oscar was still soaking wet, I rolled him off my chest so I could get up and throw him a large t-shirt. Groaning, he sat up and removed his soggy t-shirt, placing his arms into the new one but stopped as he noticed I was staring. "Enjoying the view?" he joked mockingly as I nodded with a red face but still walked past him and over to my bed once more.

"I'm guessing you also want to borrow my bed along with my clothes and house?" smirking at me mocking him, he nodded and got under the covers of one side of the bed and waited for me to join him. Obliging happily, I got in and snuggled up next to him, realising how cold he was, I put my back up against his chest, fitting perfectly into his arms. For some reason, it felt right, I felt like I was a missing puzzle piece or he was the final level to this long game we've been playing for two years now. In the end, we fell asleep quickly in the darkness of my room, both of us wanting nothing more than this moment to last a life time.

The Boy At The Docksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें