7)A bit of explaining

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Oscar's POV

It all started two years ago, when I first saw his face up on that wall. At the time, I think I noticed him before he noticed me. Honestly, I don't think he realised (and probably still doesn't) know how obvious he is when he eyes me closely like bird of prey. At the time, I think I was 14 and I'd only just started to work at the docks for extra cash to help with my uncle's catering business at the time. On my breaks, I had nothing to do accept sit and inhale some clean air (unlike now because I decide to intoxicate my lungs with tobacco), till I took an interest in the boy that looked at me the way he did. 

Maybe four months had passed by since I started to look at the boy on the wall when he wasn't watching and probably the same amount of time since my uncle got a booking to cater. One day after work, my uncle pulled out my best, and only, suit as he dragged me out the door quickly and onto the bus. Upon arriving at our destination, it was a large house that stood on the outside of the rich neighbourhood. When walking to the door, my uncle's other employees had turned up as we wall strolled in through the door to see maids running around. In front of us stood a beautiful woman, pointing at place to place for things to be placed but quickly stopped the moment she saw the group of us stood in her doorway like lost dogs. Without that scary tone of hers, she was very nice and told us where everything we needed would be so we could get the job done sufficiently.

An hour had passed and the party of there's had started, people leaking into the house quickly as more champagne bottles would be opened. By which point I had realised it was a "welcome to the neighbourhood" party they were hosting for themselves because I guess that's how it works...? Anyway, I was stood by the kids my age, handing our triangle shaped sandwiches to any who asked for one. Suddenly, I saw a glimpse of a familiar figure walking towards me, with that toothy smile of his. "Hey, can I just take the tray off you please- "he began before he looked at me blankly as I handed him the tray and he quickly dashed off with it. Flustered, I took a moment in the kitchen to collect myself before walking back out to start collecting empty glasses placed around the house. I wouldn't say I was small compared to the adults but I think I was a fair enough height so when they heard a quiet "excuse me" they wouldn't be thinking they we just hearing things. 

Quickly, my hands were getting full of glasses so I decided to go back to the kitchen to donate some more dirty dishes. But, upon arriving in the kitchen, I saw a couple of kids my age sat on the counters and drinking bottles of alcohol. Most of the boys looked my way except the one who was downing the third bottle sat beside himself, the boy from before. All I could do was place the glasses carefully by the sink and walk away quietly and not speak of it to any adult. Probably two hours had passed since I saw them drinking as I re-entered the kitchen to see it was just him, a blonde guy and a ginger guy. I think all the alcohol had finally hit him and he was blurting out random nonsense left, right and centre. The blonde had finally acknowledged my arrival and I think he finally broke free of his calm and collected self. "Do you know how to help him?!" he blurted out as I stood frozen for a second before quickly walking towards him, analysing the state he was in. Then, I quickly grabbed him a glass of tap water and tilted his head back slightly so he could have the water. After all the water was gone, I turned to the boys and asked "is this his house?" which they replied with a strong head shake yes. Quickly, I explained that we'll have to get him up to bed before anyone saw his condition. The ginger nodded and walked out quickly, from there we heard him call for everyone's attention to move to the lounge so he could show them a new piece of music, he had composed himself, on the piano for them all to enjoy. Taking a quick peak outside the door, I saw no one was in the corridor so I quickly dashed back to the boy, putting one arm over my shoulder as I helped him to his feet. He grumbled loudly and I looked at his friend to help me open the doors on the way to his room since I had no idea which room was even his. 

Successfully reaching his room without him throwing up, I placed him on the bed and laid him in a position so that he wouldn't choke on his own vomit if such an act happened. Turning to the boy, I explained that he'd need to wake him every ten minutes to check for no signs of alcohol poisoning but if he seemed okay after the first hour, he'd only need to be woke up every hour throughout the night. He nodded and I left the room to get back to my job, only half way down the stairs did I realise what I had just done. 

It was the next morning and to my surprise, there sat the brunet male, acting as if nothing had happened. Once my shift was over, I exited through the gates as I was then greeted by the blonde guy from last night. "I just wanted to thank you for what you did and don't worry, he doesn't remember a thing about the entire night so you won't have to worry about getting into trouble," just like that, he left and that was meant to be the end of it. Then, a month passed as we were told to cater again at the same place and just like before, he got drunk and I did the same thing which resulted in him not remembering. Again, and again and again, it happened for almost a year till they just stopped. This caused problems for my uncle meaning he had to sign up for the army so he could provide a shelter over my head. But lucky for me, my uncle knew the guy who owned the docks which meant I got a pay raise but had to promise to work for him for another five years which, of course, I took in a heartbeat because I wanted to help out the best I could. 

Then, I started to go back to how it used to be. Sitting there on that bucket, watching that boy on the wall, dreaming I could have just another night of catering at his house so I could hold him a little closer.

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