6)Wanting to talk for years now

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Once reunited with my fellow peers and friends, we were dismissed by our teacher. "That was excruciatingly long," Kyle wailed loudly into our ears and into the many others that stood close. "Shut up," Rodger snapped back as we quickly left the docks and walked to our wall to enjoy a packet of cigs. For the most half of being sat on the wall, I was calm and laid back, letting time fly by but occasionally the realisation that I was going to talk to Oscar, finally, soon. I mean, I've wanted to talk to him for almost two years now but how was it even possible? A rich kid, casually strolling up to someone of a lower class and not have word spread quick enough to my father's ears? Honestly, I started to lose hope on the entire matter till he finally looked back.

An exact hour had passed and the bell had rung and all the boys had decided to stop bickering and watch people leave; it utterly confused me why they found people leaving so interesting. Then, the moment I've been waiting for, Oscar took a step out the building and looked at me with that delish smile and, to my surprise, I smiled back. Jumping off the wall slowly, I turned to Nico and did a small salute before dashing away into the crowds of workers. On the other side of the river of people, I was met by Oscar who now had more of a smirk than a smile on his lips. "Wanna go somewhere?" he spoke, getting off the wall to stand in front of me. "Sure," and just like that, we were off down the street, just the two of us, off to god knows where.

"Got something on your mind?" Oscar inquired as he looked at my worry some face from over his shoulder. "Ah, it's nothing. Just wondering where we're going?" I questioned glancing up to meet his eyes. 

"Just wait a little longer, can you do that?" he requested in that appealing voice of his. Nodding in reply, we continued to walk but our pace started to speed up as we started to hike a steep road. The area we were in, I had no recognition of whatsoever so I was trusting Oscar to be a stable guy and not try lead me to a remote area to stab me. Once reaching the top of the hill, I finally turned to look where we were and all I could see was Dover- lit up with street lights and houses full of families. I was truly in awe of what I was gazing at till Oscar brought me back to earth and asked "Want to get to know each other?"

The remaining light left in the sky from before had left and the only light source around the two of us was the burning cigarettes in between our finger tips. I'd say that maybe two hours had passed by and we had started off slow like with interests but now we're sat giggling like some young school girls, having a grand time as we chatted about anything that could pop to mind. We were sat on a wall, still admiring the view of our city, as our laughter slowly stopped but the smile plastered on my face did not peel. "Want to know something?" I mumbled as I quickly glanced over at Oscar, hearing him hum a yes, a small sigh left my mouth as I looked out onto the city once more "I've wanted to talk to you for years now, you know?" When I said it, I was just expecting nothing as a reply, but what I got almost sent me to my grave. "Same here," he muttered into my ear but added "but I've wanted to do this as well," was all I could process before he took me by the back of my neck and pressed his soft lips to mine.


Note: sorry it's a short chapter but I thought it needed to be cut short so we could do a little explaining and leave you hanging for another chapter uwu

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