5)School trips and friendships

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Days had already passed since the first day of school and the blonde guy's disappearing act and I'm still scanning every alley thinking he's going be there. He's scared me so much that I swore Peter, the blonde boy from lunch that day, was slowly turning into that guy! But here I am, Friday the 16th, sat waiting for our school bus to turn up and drop us off at the docks for a so-called field trip. The reasoning by this school trip is that our headteacher is also the owner to the main shipping company at docks so he decided he'd show off his wealth by saying it's an educational trip to see how people work for him. By this point, I'm sat next to Nico like always and we're on our way there but I'm so busy panicking I'm going to run into Blondie (yes, that's his nickname now). 

Upon arriving at the docks, we all walked in through the gates to see that they were on their breaks, meaning us private school kids were getting eyed by everyone in the courtyard. Since we're all private school kids, it was pretty normal to be eyed by people who weren't "rich" so we all felt nothing while walking through and into the main building. But while I was ranting to Kyle about how pointless this entire thing was, I suddenly feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand upwards and my back stiffen. While turning back to tell Nico the same thing, my eyes caught a glimpse of those beautiful grey eyes of his. As usual, he was sat in his usual space but this time had a smirk plastered onto his face as he watched us go by him quickly. By now we were entering the building but not once did I take my eyes off him because I feared that if I did, he'd disappear again. 

Our tour of the mills and the docks began when the bell rang again, meaning everyone was sent back inside and to endure more back braking labour. For the most half, I was day dreaming as we went through the mill section but as soon as they were going to show us the docks, my day dreaming stopped and all senses had retuned to myself. Walking around, we looked at the different types of boats and certain equipment used for their cargo; many of the boys took interest in this but all I did was watch my surroundings closely. Then, our headteacher stopped us and informed us that he'd be leaving us now for a meeting so he told us to walk around for a bit but to be back at the courtyard in an hour. The very moment the words left his mouth and everyone dispersed from the group, I was taken aback by a familiar strong hand on my shoulder and was being dragged away from my friends. 

Hitting the brick wall behind me with great force, I let out a loud whelp but was quickly cut off by the same strong hand that caused such pain. Pushing him away quickly, I gawked at him as he moved to lean on the opposite wall, bringing memories back of that cold afternoon outside the tobacco shop. That stupidly cute smirk of his was still plastered on his face as he put a hand through his thick hair slowly and spoke in his soothing voice "Hi there, Rich Boy."

"What the hell is your problem," I exclaimed loudly in his face, making me feel bad for a second and it showed by me leaning back on the wall and letting blood rush to make cheeks.

"Are you embarrassed over there, Rich Boy?" he said but I quickly butted in "stop calling me Rich Boy!"

"Well, what's your name?" he said as his smirk grew wider on those chapped lips of his. 

"Charlie," the words slipped so smoothly out of my mouth I could barely register what I did. Why was I telling a complete stranger my name? Well, he isn't all that much of a stranger; I've spent the last two years watching him from that sad wall. If it was possible, I'm pretty sure if you were able to, look back at my memories of the last year, he's appeared more than I would like. It sounds crazy to admit but I honestly think I've fallen for a boy I've not once spoken to but I really wouldn't want to admit that to myself since this type of "liking" is frowned upon.

"I like you better being forward," he said as he clearly picked up on the fact I replied so quickly. "It's nice to meet you, Charlie."

God, that smile of his keeps getting me. "So, what's your name, Blondie?"

"Oscar," his voice almost came out at a whisper for some reason. Eyeing him up and down again, I caught his eyes and it sent a small shiver down my spine. Oscar took I step towards me as that smirk of his had faded. "I can tell we're going to be friends," he said into my ear softly before turning on his heel to leave the small blocked off area we were in. Before he got around the corner, my hand reached out and pulled his arm so he was facing me as I let my mind take over "When will I see you again?" The words slipped out fast but the reply was a quicker response than expected.

"After my shift finishes at. Don't worry, you only have to wait an hour Rich Boy. Can you wait that long?" he said tilting his head to the side with a small smile. All I could do was let out a nod and let his arm go as he went back to working like nothing happened.

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