12) Changes

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*Charlie's POV*

Everywhere you looked, you could tell things weren't going to get any better. I'm talking about howl local businesses are going bankrupt, the newspapers are only talking about how Germany is on the verge of starting another war and the fact mother and father won't stop kissing each other goodbye like it's their last.

Smoke covered my face as I was brought back to earth by Kyle. "Hey, you've been off lately, you doing alright?" He said, almost sounding serious for the first time in god knows when. Nodding slowly, I placed the cancer stick between my chapped lips and breathed out.
"Well, if you say so," he trailed off before looking at me as if he was trying to say something else.

"Got something you want to let off your chest?" I said leaning back on the wall to face him sideways. To my surprise, he nodded and I gave him my full attention.
"Well...you know Nico?" nodding once more, he continued "Well, I've kinda been hanging out with him since you keep disappearing and well..." he came to stop before taking another puff of smoke and relaxing a tad bit.

"I kinda...well we umm...fuck it!" He said quite loudly and made my jump, almost dropping the cigarette between my fingers off the wall.
"Fuck what?!"
"We had a moment! It just happened and I think I liked it..." Kyle went silent as he avoided looking me in the eye for a while.

Sighing, I kicked his thigh and he turned his to me as my lips had a wide smile plastered on them. Kyle's sad expression faltered as he took a breath because he probably stopped breathing thinking I was going to stab him. "I'm happy for you two," I started "and I can understand why you've kept this quiet, but it's something you can't help."

Kyle went from a happy face to somewhat of a query one because I started smiling like an imbecile. "Well, I've been having a few moments myself," I said as the bell from the docks rung loudly from in front of us. "With him," nodding towards the docks, Kyle caught sight of who I was talking about. The tall, blonde male that smelt like pinewood and always gave off a scary aura was making his way to the gate, awaiting my arrival.

Kyle's has dropped so far down I wasn't sure it was still in place. His head snapped by to me and back to the scowling blonde a couple of times before blinking. "You. Him. You and him?" He questioned as if I was trying to play an evil joke on him and then get this menacing blonde to beat him to a pulp for being a homosexual.

"Yeah, I know... kinda weird," I rubbed the back of my neck before jumping off the wall and turning to face Kyle once more. "Well, I best be off but I'm happy for you and Nico! Update me the next time we're alone, goodbye Kyle."

Walking through the stream of bodies, I was on the other side of the alley and was pleased to see my blonde boy awaiting me. Walking past him, I smiled over my shoulder and called for him to walk with me. Oscar caught up and had the nastiest frown on his face which made my stomach make a tight knot at the sight of it.

"Hey, let's go to the hill," I said with a lopsided smile as we made our way up to hill and not once did his frown fade. My stomach started to hurt with the amount of knots it was creating for me to suffer with till Oscar finally spoke. Once at the top, I hopped onto the wall and looked him in the eyes, ready to say something first but was cut off by himself.

"I need to tell you something," he moved closer to me and made my face him so I assumed something awful was about to be spoken. His deep sigh hit my face before the pain finally hit me like a large bomb.

"I'm being signed up by my boss, he said that if the war starts and I fight for two years, he'll have me sent back here," his words were rushed by I understood them clear as day.

"When?" Was all I could say before another bomb was dropped. "Tomorrow."

My face drained of all colour as that single world sent my world falling apart. The only person I've truly felt feelings for, the only person I've wanted to feel love with, the only person I've had to let out my sexual desires with is leaving me and I think if he does leave, it'll be the last blow I can handle.

My words were frantic as I grabbed his shoulders with both hands "no, you can't leave! Please Oscar! I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry!" My lips started to tremble as I collapsed into his frame as my body started to shake uncontrollably with tears straining my face. I couldn't care how pathetic I looked, I didn't want to accept that he was leaving me so soon and I could only feel it was my fault.

Oscar's arms wrapped around my frail body and squeezed me tightly as he stroked my hair trying to calm down from state of panic. We sat like that for a long while as all I could say was "I'm so fucking sorry."

Eventually, Oscar calmed me enough that he could raise me from leaning against him closely and held my damp face in his palms. He took a moment to look at me with those puppy dog eyes before deciding to say something.

"I love you Charlie. I love you and I'm not going to ever leave you."

The Boy At The DocksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang