Beautiful skies

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"She's scared to use her flames, she's scared of hurt you." John mocked

He twisted the blade again and you let out another scream, closing your eyes tightly.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you this blade is specifically made for containing a demons powers? Just like yours is." He smirked.

You panted, trying to calm yourself down, but the pain was blinding.

"Enough of this!"

You heard what sounded like an elastic band breaking, and cries of outrage. Opening your eyes, you saw the bronze of a barrier keeping them all insides.

"Just a precaution I took, if you try break that barrier Demon, everyone inside it will be killed instantly."

Mephisto stopped, Fury in his eyes. He didn't move any further, but his eyes met yours, and they saddened.

'Break the barrier' he mouthed.

You gave a slight nod and turned back to John. You knew he wouldn't let you get to it, but you had another plan.

'Kuro, are you around?'

'I'm on my way!'

'I want you to be as sneaky as possible, and break the barrier holding Mephisto back, you'll know it when you see it. Theres something dimmer my power."


You smiled a little to yourself, and took a shaky breath. You would've thought it would have even easy for you to defeat him since he was human, but with his heat resistance quirk, and his years of training he was easily as strong as you, you were never much of a fighter.

Gripping his sword, you slowly stood on shaky legs, eyes meeting his, you gripped the blade so tightly your hand begun to bleed.

Raising your leg, you slammed it into his gut. He doubled over, and the sword was ripped harshly from your shoulder.

"I don't need my flames to defeat you." You whispered harshly.

Swinging your leg up, it connected with he side sending him to the floor.

John pulled a glass bottle from his pocket and chucked it at you, hitting you in the head it shattered and the water sizzled on your skin.

"Holy water, hurts doesn't it?" He smirked, wiping a bit of blood from his mouth.

You ignored the pain, bent down as picked up your sword, readying the pair of you engaged each other once more, but with each swing you became weaker, Holy water managed to enter your wound, not only that you were loosing a lot of blood.

Swinging your sword, you caught his just but barely left a scratch. You stumbled back a few steps, exhaustion finally getting the best of you, you dropped to your knees, a cold sword was pressed to your back.

"You really didn't think you would win, did you?"

"That wasn't what I was doing..." you laughed.

The sword was pressed into your skin, you winked as it broke the first layer.

"What were you doing?" He snarled.


Spinning around, you body exploded into flames that surged out in all directions, your stabbed your sword into chest and let go of the hilt.

"G.. g.. game over.." You chocked.

You begun to sway, then your back hit the ground. Blood begun to pool in your mouth and trickle down your chin. A holy sword stuck out from your abdomen.

"NO!" Rin, Yukio, Amiamon and Mephisto yelled.

You heard the barrier break and smiled to yourself, training your eyes on the sky. You heard Mephisto begin to bark out orders, and many faces lent over you.

"This is going to hurt, I'm sorry!" Yukio sobbed.

He pulled the sword out and you screamed, coughing up blood before you eventually calmed down. Your head was lifted and placed into someone's lap and the begun to run their fingers through your hair.

"Kuro... th.. thank you.."

'You'll be okay!' He cried loudly.

"You'll be alright, you'll be okay." Rin cried.

You didn't reply, but lifted your gaze a little further up to find the usual cold eyes of Aizawa completely fully of fear.

"T...t..they're okay...?" You coughed out.

"They're okay, don't speak." He said gently.

You smiled weakly and coughed up more blood, taking your eyes away from Aizawa, you tried them back onto the sky, your vision slowly fading.

"Little sister?" Amiamon asked in a broken voice.

The demon king took one of your cold hands in his, and Mephisto did the same with your other hand, you spotted blood on his white suit.

"He's gone little sister.. he's.. he's gone.."

You gave both their hands a weak squeeze.

"Someone's coming little one, just hold on." Mephisto whispered.

You didn't reply, you didn't want them to know that would could see anymore, or that you couldn't hear, or that with every breath you took it hurt more and more. You didn't want to worry them, so when your consciousness started to fade, you kept the smile on your bloodied lips, this was it, the chance of you making it was so slim.

The image burned into your head was of everyone above you, the beautiful sunset behind them. You couldn't ask for a better image.

"I... I l.. love you..." you breathed

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