Waking up

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You heard the beeping first, and smelt the disinfectant in the air. Slowly, you blinked your eyes open, the lights were off meaning it didn't hurt so much to do so.

Though it took a few moments to gather your bearings before you carefully begun to sit up, holding back a groan of pain as you did so, your hand automatically flying towards your abdomen.

Resting your head on the wall behind you, you started to look around. In the dark you could make out that you were in one of the private medical rooms of True Cross, there was two beds, and judging by the messed up covers on the other someone had been sleeping in here with you. On the stand there was a glass of water which you gratefully drank.

Sighing, you swung your legs over the edge of the bed and removed the covers from your body. You were in a pair of black shorts, nothing but a sports bra and bandages covering your upper half.

"Carefully..." you muttered.

Placing your feet on the floor, with as much care as you possibly could have, you stood up, your legs shaky at first, threatening to fall, so you sat back down.

"Damn it... I'm so weak..." you cursed.

"You shouldn't be walking around."

Turning your head to the doorway, the familiar purple head of your brother stood out. He flicked on the light making you wince a little.


In an instant he was by your side with you wrapped up in his arms gently.

"It's been 3 months..." he muttered.

"3... months...?" You stuttered.

That's not right, it couldn't have been 3 months. It only felt like a day or two at most.

"Four weeks." He repeated.

Resting your head on his shoulder, you took a deep breath.

"H... how is everyone?"

"Amiamon refuses to leave Gehenna. Yukio and Rin spend most of their time alone along with the other cram school students. 1-A seem to be pushing through but are clearly distressed."

You nodded your head, of course they'd push through, you told them that no matter what they couldn't give up.

"Why aren't I healing?"

"Blessed metal and holy water got into your system. We weren't sure you were going to make it..."

You felt your heart drop, they thought you were going to die? Had they all just given up on you then? 3 months was a long time, so part of you didn't blame them.

"Lay down, I'll call Yukio."

You nodded and watched him leave, glancing at the nightstand, you grabbed your phone as turned it on. Clearly Mephisto had been keeping it charged.

The amount of texts you had from 1-A made your eyes water, Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Momo, Mina and Todaroki all had the same out, from what you could see, they were little journal entries.

"Of course you guys kept me in the loop." You said gently.

Placing the phone on the bed, you gazed blankly up at the ceiling.

"Did I spend 3 months with you Shiro...?"

The door was slammed open making you jump a little, standing in the doorway was Rin and Yukio, both wide eyed, still in their sleep clothes. Rin sniffled and dropped to his knees as he begun to cry.

"Oh Rin..." you whispered.

Getting out of the bed, you tried to take a step but your legs gave way. Thankfully Yukio quickly caught you and lowered you to the floor. Keeping his arms around you, he rested his head on your back, the tears hitting the skin of your neck as he cried.

You placed on hand on his arm and held the other out towards Rin, who shuffled over and rested his head under your chin.

"I'm so sorry..." you whispered.

Closing your eyes, you begun to cry, tears silently slipping down your cheeks as you wrapped an arm around Rin.

"Don't do that again... please...?" Yukio's voice cracked.

"I... we.. we need you..." Rin cried.

"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..." you repeated.

As the three of you sat on the floor, crying, Mephisto stood at the door wiping his own tears, he knew the chances of you waking up were extremely slim, and he knew that even though you seemed well, you had a lot of healing to go before you were really better

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