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"you're so pretty, jaejae," bambi told jaeeun, running her hands through her hair because she'd been obsessed with jaeeun's mullet since she'd cut it.

"thank you, doll." jaeeun looked over at bambi who was laying next to her on the bed.

"can we go to the mall?" bambi asked suddenly but got excited so of course jaeeun wasn't going to say no.

"of course. let me go get ready and i'll be back in like 20 minutes." jaeeun kissed bambi a few times before going back over to her own house to get ready.

when she got back, bambi was dressed cutely, in a light pink dress with strawberry's all over it. her hair was pinned back, making her look super cute and extremely innocent. her lock necklace sat on her chest perfectly, looking a bit out of place but she looked so cute in it, so that didn't matter.

jaeeun was dressed in a pair of black shorts with fishnets underneath, a large black t-shirt tucked into the shorts. all of her piercings were in and she had plenty of chains on, one with the key to bambi's locket one it.

"look at my pretty baby doll," jaeeun said, opening her arms for bambi to all but jump into, "ready to go?"

"let's go!" bambi let go of the hug, opting to grab jaeeun's hand and pull her downstairs.

"i'm surprised you got your makeup done in time," jaeeun joked as they walked down the sidewalk to the bus stop.

"i wanted to be ready when you got back," bambi pouted, playing with jaeeun's hand and rings.

"should we go swimming tonight?" jaeeun asked just to see bambi's face light up, "my parents got a free night in a hotel for their anniversary so they won't be home until tomorrow night."

bambi blushed but didn't say anything else because her smile spoke for her. she leaned against the light pole and looked up at jaeeun, still playing with jaeeun's fingers.

jaeeun used her free hand to adjust one of
the straps of her dress that was moving on her small shoulder and about to fall off.

when a guy walked up to bus stop, the girls didn't think anything about it and assumed he was waiting for the bus. until he got closer to them, too close for any comfort.

jaeeun could tell bambi was uncomfortable when she squeezed her hand tighter and it made her realize how close the guy had gotten.

"excuse me, could we have some space?" jaeeun asked the man politely but sternly so she'd be taken seriously.

"you two are beautiful," the man said, not moving away. jaeeun stayed between bambi and the name so he couldn't get closer to her.

the bus finally came and the girls sat as close to the door as they could and the guy luckily didn't sit too close. bambi sat on the inside of the seat and jaeeun next to her on the outside.

they're both relieved when the man didn't get off the bus with them when they got to the mall.

they just walk around the mall for a few hours, only buying some candy that they share while they go to other stores.

"do you think this is cute, baby?" jaeeun asked, holding up a skirt that she knew bambi would like.

"that's so pretty," bambi gushes, putting down the shirt she had been looking at.

jaeeun bought it and a shirt for herself despite bambi whining that it was "too expensive" even though it was on sale and it didn't matter anyway, jaeeun wanted to buy it for her.

"you'll look so cute in it," jaeeun told her as they left the mall, "you look cute in everything."

by the time they left the mall, it was getting late and bambi was getting excited to swim, among other things.

they went to bambi's house so she could grab a swim suit, that she hid from jaeeun until she pushed jaeeun into her room while she went into the bathroom.

"i'm going outside, baby," jaeeun told bambi through the bathroom door.

it was just a few minutes later that bambi walked outside, only getting jaeeun's attention when she closed the screen door. the older girl turned around, immediately in awe of her beautiful girlfriend.

she got up, walked over to bambi; who was a bit shy because her swimsuit was a bit more than she usually wore, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"how did i get such a beautiful girlfriend?" jaeeun asked, ruining the moment herself right after by picking up bambi and throwing her in the pool.

"jaejae!" she shouted before she went underwater, luckily getting the chance to plug her nose first.

jaeeun jumped in after, swimming over to bambi and pushing her hair out of her face.

"that was not nice," bambi said with a pout, making her look so incredibly cute, jaeeun couldn't help herself and bambi definitely didn't mind.

jaeeun held bambi, walked over to the side of the pool so she could push her up against it, and leaned down to softly kiss her girlfriend.

it was bambi who wrapped her arms around jaeeun's neck and legs around her waist and deepened the kiss. it was dark so they didn't have to worry about anyone next door seeing them as the neighbor had been known for being a creep occasionally.

they were in the pool for an hour and 1/2 before they finally went inside. they showered separately before cuddling on the couch. jaeeun was a bit distracted while they tried to watch a movie. she ran her hand up and down bambi's thigh but it was way past the younger girl's own set bedtime so she was pretty sleepy.

she fell asleep but like usual, jaeeun was no where close to tired. she took the girl to her room, leaving a small kiss on her forehead before going back downstairs so she could watch a movie without the possibility of waking up bambi.

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