Chapter 2- Backstage and Hell

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The concert ended and Amanda almost immediately got up and walk backstage with her Backstage pass. I put mine aroumd my neck and followed her.we walked backstage and the second she caught Harry's hair she started ro silently freak. She held my hand as we walked over to them. She looked at me and walked a little faster.

"OHMYFREAKINGGOD!!!!!" She screamed as she saw them. I laughed a little at her reaction. She didn't release my and the entire time.

Amanda's POV

I was up close and personal with ONE DIRECTION. Jamie and I walked over. I looked over at Jamie and saw her makin eye contact with Niall. The Niall Horan was making eye contact with my bestie. I was mentally dying.

"Amanda honey come down." Jamie said. Her british accent was beautiful. Yeah my bestie is british... I guess I am too but i was born in America and I was raised there until I was 17.

"Hello, my name is Amanda and this is my best friend Jamie. I'm like your biggest fan." I said as calmly as i could

"Nice to meet you love." Harry Styles said to me. TO ME.

"May I ask you a few questions about your selves?" I asked.

"Sure." Niall Horan said.

Back to Jamie's POV and time skip.

We got back in my car after a long fan to celeb interview witb One Direction. Amanda sat in the passenger seat.

"I can't believe you asked them there shoe size" I laughed. Amanda didn't think it was so funny and started to cry. 'Okay if she cries out of her left eye first she's... ummm... sad and if she cries out of her right eye first she's happy.' I thought I looked over and she was -no doubt- happy. Her first tear came out of her right eye meaning happiness.

"Thanks for coming Jamie." She said wiping her tears. I hugged her.

"Amanda, you're my best friend. Always remember that." I said. She laughed and nodded. I started my car and drive us home. Amanda unlocked our apartment door and we walked in. I headed straight to bed. 'To tried to function.' I thought. I fell onto my bed snd slowly felll asleep.

Time skip~Saturday

I got to work in my black unifrom. I drove myself to work today because Amanda had some stuff to do. I locked my car doors and walked into the building. I sgined in amd walked to the guitar section. I was manger of guitar's because I knew what I was talking about. A group of five guys walked over to the guitar's as i was setting one of them on a shelf. I turned to see One Direction (A/N Yes, i realize the chances of this actually happening are nonexistence but don't bite my head off and pretend this could maybe happen) standing behimd me.

"Hello, I'm Jamie. Can I help you find any thing?" I asled sweetly.

"We are looking for a new guitar like the one we use to have." Harry said with his british accent.

"What did it look like?" I asked as sweetly as possible. Niall showed me a photo of it.

"You know what I think we just sold our last one like that but Ican definitely put a new order in." I said bitting my lip. My boss told me to always make exceptions for costumers.

"If that isn'tto much trouble." Zayn said.

"Of course not. Allow me to call the company and have it order in but it might take a couple of days maybe a week." I smiled.

"It's okay." Louis said. I nodded and picked up the phone and dialed the company. It rang a few time then soomeone answered.
"Hello?" The lady said.

"Hello, I would like to make an order for a guitar." I said into the phone. I told them what kind of guitar it was.
"It'll take about a week to deliver." She said.

"Ok, thank you. Good-bye." I said into the phone. I hung up and looked at the band.

"One week." I said. They nodded. I gave a sweet smile.

"Okay." Niall said.

"Is there anything else I will be able to help you with?" I asked.

"Actually do you mond calling us when the guitar comes in?" Harry asked.

"Sure. May I have a number to contact you?" I asked.

"Of course." Zayn said and Niall handed me a paper with a number on it. I read the paper over and it was Niall's cell phone number and a restaurant with a time. I think he just asked me out.

"What is this?" I asked Niall.

"Would you like to go out with me tonight?" He asked with an Irish accent that made my heart mellt. I smiled he returned the smile.

"That would ne lovely." I said. He kissed my hamd gently. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Sure." I laughed. I finished my shift and went home.

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