Chapter 16 - The Girl in the Guitar Store

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Niall's POV

I sat beside Jamie's hospital bed. She wasn't going to survive after that car crash. It was too much. We knew she would fight untill the very end. The doctor's knew she was going to die and I knew she was going to die.

"You can let go now." Amanda said. She had a tear in her eye. She kmew it too. I watched as Amanda held Jamie's hand.

"You can let go." She whispered again. She knew her alot longer then I did.

"Jamie, please let go. You can do it." She whispered. She smiled a little and a quiet laugh came out of her mouth. I wasn't sure what was happening untill her heart monitor went into a straight line. Amanda started to cry.

"She's gone." Amanda muttered. She gave me a hug. I started to cry as I realized she wasn't coming back. Jamie was gone. I won't ever forget her smile or her laugh or the way she giggled. Her voice will stain the inside of my head. All the obstacles and challenges we faced. This was the end. Just like that she was gone. Amanda wiped her tears and walked out. I sat beside her. I held her cold lifeless head. She still had her purple painted nialls that she looked so much. She would always be apart of me and the world I live in. I won't change the ring tone she set o ,y phone because she loved it so much. I'll keep the video she sent me of her tellong me how much she loved me or the photos of us on our some-what-romantic dates. She fought until the very end. She died with people she loved around her. I won't ever forget the girl in the guitar store with the smile in her face. The girl who sat front row because her best friend asked. The girl who refused to be anything but herself. The girl whi only got in that car rash is because her parents. I released her hand and left the room. I looked back at her and noticed a small faint smile on her face. She smiled even in pain. She truly was strong. She was probably laughing at the devil and telling him to go to hell. She was perfect just the way she was.

A/N How was the last chapter of my book!!! I am so sorry on the sadish level. I almost cried but I needed a way to end it. Sorry!

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