Chapter 5- Publicness

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I sat on my couch waiting for Niall to come. We've been officially dating for almost a week and he wanted to make it public. He send he would pick me up at quarter to 2. It's almost 1:30 and I had my light washed skinny jeans on and a black t-shirt. It scared me a little to think the after today everyone will know that Niall Horan is dating a no name girl from a small town in England. I'm okay not being know but still... Niall is a celebrity and I'm... I'm just me. I love him and to show I love him I have to put up with the stupid gossip about us. I hope we will be able to handle everything they throw at us.

Finally someone knocked on the door and I got off the couch. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Your early." I whispered. he gave a small smiled.

"Your beautiful!" He exclaimed. I thou my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much." I said hugging him. He smiled slightly.

"Ready to go beautiful?" He asked. I frowned. Honestly I was worried about what was going to happen.

"No, can we just stay here?" I asked. He didn't waste any time to answer.

"We have to go. Sorry babe." He said. I looked around.

"What, is something wrong?" He asked worryingly. I looked at him again.

"I'm scared of what people are going to say." I smiled weakly at him. He looked me in the eyes.

"It doesn't matter what they say about you and us." He told me. I held his hand as we left my apartment. I locked the door because Amanda wasn't going to be at home because she went to visit her family in America. I walked with Niall out to his car and we sat in it for a minute before he started it. He turned the radio on and of course Little Things comes on. I laugh as he sang it to me. It always made me laugh when people sing to there boyfriend/girlfriend. This is something Amanda would have died for. He pulled his car over and we got out. He held my hand as we walked into the cafe together. We got tea and left. We walked down the street hand in hand. People watched us axkwardly as we walked down the street. He laughed as i mocked the random people looking at us funny.

"THIS IS AMAZING!!" I yelled. Niall laughed at my goofiness. I wanted to live in that moment forever... but wait iy gets better. Cameras!!!!!!! All in a hurry almost a million camera's flashed and like 30 people started asking questions at once! I hid my face in a hurry trying to keep hidden from idiots.

"Is this you're new girfriend?" One reporter asked.

"Who is this?" Another asked. I screamed as one reporter trued to take a picture of me.

"Camera shy?" Another one of the reporters asked. 'Don't look at them. They only cause trouble.' I thought. After a few minutes of hiding Niall gave me the keys to his car and I high tailed it out of there. I unlocked Niall's car and drove it over to him. He waved good bye to the reporters and climb in the passerager side seat.

"I didn't know you're afaird of camera's." He said. I looked at him. "Camera's, stages, microphones, video camera's, voice recorders, anything like that." I said. He laughed at mt stupid phobia.

"I'm afraid of pigeons." He told me. I gave a little laugh out and looked at him.

"Wow." I said... actually that was the only thing I could think to say.

"What else are you afraid of?" He asked. I looked at him.

"I have a Mephobia, Haematophobia, Ochlophobia, Clinophobia, Clastrophobia and Glossophobia."(Fear not if you don't know the meanings of these fears i shall list them at the end of my chapter) I told him. He laughed at me a little.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded. I got back to my house amd we wemt inside and spent the rest of the day on the couch watching movies.

A/N Okay the fears i used: Mephobia- the fear of being so awesome that the human race can't handle it and everyone dies, Heamatophobia- fear of blood, Ochlophobia- fear of crowds, Clinophobia- the fear of clowns, Clastrophobia- the fear of closed-in spaces, and Glossophobia- fear of speakig in public.

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