Chapter 11- The Truth About Jamie

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Amanda's POV

Niall showed up at our apartment for date night with Jamie. Ja,ie was at work late night because she was covering for her coworker Crystal.

"Niall, can I talk to you as Jamie's closest friend and mother-figure." I said.

"What about Jamie?" He asked.

"Jamie has always had bad luck with guys. She was always treaedd with disrespect. She was treated like a tou so none of the guys she has ever been with gave her the respect she should have been treated with. Every guy she's ever dated has abused her in someway. It's so werid to see her so happy." I told him. He lookd confused.

"What happened with her parents?" He asked.

"Her parents treated her like a slave. She got outta there the second we graduated highschool. She packed her bags the night before and was gone by the time she graduated. She was ready to go by the time she was twelve. They made her do everything by herself. If Jamie refused she was hit. She never went outsode in warm weather and she always wore lomg sleave and jean." I told him. He looked like he was gping to cry.

"Why didn't she tell anyone?" He asked.

"She was scared no one would want to be her friend anymore if she told them she was a slave. She didn't wamt to be taken away from her family. She didn't know any better." I said. I know that Jamie would be mad because I told him.

"Can you explain aliotle more on her ex boyfriends?" He asked.

"Her first one, he was okay. He was the quaterback. It was verbal abuse. He always told her that he was better than her and she was lucky to have gotten such an amazing guy. She believed him because he took her out and he never hit her or hurt her in anyway. Her second boyfriend was a seniorshe dated him second year of highschool. He emotional abused her. He always seemed to be cheating on her and then saying he made a big mistake. She always wemt back with him because he was older and cute. Then the boyfriend she had before she had you was by far the worst. He never cheated and he never lied and he never said anything mean. He was sexualy abusive. He'd touch her butt when she walked passed and he never cared if someone saw him. He pushed her out of her confort zone to see her naked. He loved to make her happt so he would 'get lucky'. She didn't realize what he was doing. She thought she fially found someone who cared. He was arrested two days after they broke up for it. He was he only one arrested." I told him.

"Were they serous?" He asked.

"Jamie thought they were." I told him. I saw the anger in his eyes.

"Jamie can't know I told you. She would be pissed." I said.

"I won't tell her." He promised. I nodded.

"She has a tatoo of a blue star on her left shoulder to reminded her she's strong." I told him. I grabbed my phone showing him a photo after she got it. She had massive bruises on her arm as she showed off her tatoo. I saw tears in his eyes.

"I'm home." Jamie yelled walkimg into the living room. She saw Niall and gave him a big hug.

"Let me go change quickly." She said running to her room.

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