Chapter 13- Christmas With Niall's Family

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I woke up on Christmas to Niall shaking me.

"Jamie, it's Christmas. Time to open presents." He whispered. I gently pushed him away.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo." I said.

"Your the last one up. Everyone's waiting for you." Niall saod. I laughed and lied on my face.

"I don't wanna get up." I whinned. Niall picked me up and carried me out of my room.

"We are opening presents and you will join us." He demanded. We got into the living room amd saw Greg and Denise and his mum. Niall finally put me down the couch and I tried to go bavk to bed. Niall- disagreeing- sat on my so I couldn't. 'Just think you could have been at home still sleeping in your bed cuddling your blankets.' I thought trying to push Naill off of me.

"Niall get off me!!!" I said. Niall didn't get off me.

"But we have to open presents." He begged.

"Get off me and I'll give you your persents." I said Niall immediately got off of me. We opened our presents and Niall and I decide to go to for a walk. We walked out of the house his mum house.

"That was lovely." I said. Niall smiled.

"I think my family likes you." Niall said. I laughed.

"I totally made a fool of myself." I said. Niall grabbed my hand.

"I love you and so do they." Niall told me. He gently kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I said kissing him. I ran away from Niall laughing.

"That wasn't the point." He said chasing after me. He caught up to me and tackled me to the ground.

"Get off of me, it's cold." I said. He got off me and helped me up and I pushed him into the snow. I kissed his nose and ran away.  He got up and followed me back to his mums house. Maura had already started on Christmas dinner.

"I'll help you're mum." I told Niall before running into his mums house.


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