Chapter 7- Unheathly Habits

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Jamie only came out of her room for school and work then she was back in her room doing god knows what. Jamie never had her phone on her. She grabbed it before she left for school andshe put it back after work. Jamie doesn't come out to even eat any more. Everything is being thrown at her like she had ebola or something. That would be great to explain to Niall. Oh by the way Niall your girlfriend has edola. Sorry. Perfect. This was unhealthy for her. She spend all day alone. She can't focus at work anymore. She's a blob. I worry about my blob.

"Jamie, do you want a beer?" I asked knocking on her door.

"Yes." Shesaid. She unlocked her door and I walked in and handed her the bottle.

"Jamie, you can call him you know. He's been calling you like everyday." I told her. I hope that helps.

"I know. I hear my phone. I just miss him. He left and I miss him." She said wiping her tears. She came put of her room and grabbed her cell phone. She dialed a number and put the phone to her ear.

Jamie's POV

I dialed a number and put the phone to my ear. It rang a few times then went to voice mail.

"Hey, Niall it's me. Jamie. What's up. Sorry I haven't answered the phone lately. I've been busy. Call me when you have time." I left a voicemail and hung up. I sat on the couch and slipped my beer.

"What happened?" Amanda asked.

"He didn't answer." I smiled. She turned the tv on and changed the channel. She turned some gossip show on. I took another slip of my beer. After a while Ifinished my beer.

"Where are you going?" Amanda asked. I looked ar her.

"I need another beer." I said. I grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Don't drink to many beers." Amanda said. I laughed and popped the cap. I took a sip.

"I won't don't worry." I said. I sat down beside Amanda.

My phone started to ring. I picked it up.

"Hello, Jamie speaking. Can I help you?" I asked. It was silent for a moment before I heard a voice.

"Hey. It's Niall." He said. I smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much right now." He answered.

"And tour?" I asked.

"So far so good." Niall told me.

"I miss you alot." I said. I heard laughing in the backgtound.

"I miss you to. I can't wait to see you." He said.

"Promise you will stay safe." I said.

"I promise." He said back.

"I have to go. Bye." I told him.

"Bye love." He said. I hung up.

"You okay." Amanda asked.

"Yeah, let's go to the pool today." I said. Amanda was shocked by my sudden outburst of wanting to go to a pool.

"I have a new bikini I'm dying to try on and this is the perfect exuse to." I explained.

"Okay, it would be noce to go swimming for a change." Amanda said.

"Yay." I screamed and ran to my room. I changed quickly and grabbed a towel. My new binkni is hot pink and has a guitar on the butt with music notes on the left side of the top. I put sweat pants and a white t-shirt over top. My towel was stripped with black and pink. Amanda was wearing her favourite white and black bikini. She put a dress over it and had her sunshine yellow towel. We let the apartmemt and drove to the pool in her focus. When we got there I payed for is and we went in. We grabbed a locker and put our stuff in it. I place my phone in my bag and we took clothes off so we had our bikinis on ans locked the locker. We walked to the pool side and got into the water. I saw a cite life guard and walked over to talk to him.

"Hi, my name is Jamie. What's yours?" I asked.

"Erik." He said. I smiled.

"What's itlike being a life guard?" I asked.

"It's fun I get to sit here and look at all the cute girls. Like you." He said. I smiled.

"Thats so nice." I said.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Life guarding seems fun but I tried and i gave up three day into the prpgram." I told him.

"Maybe we can get tea sometime." He said. I nodded.

"That sounds great." I said. He smiled and I walked to the diving board. Amanda -waiting no time at all- came swimming up to me. I jumped pff the diving board and swam over to her.

"What's wrong with you!?!" She asked angered.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Did you forget you have a boyfriend so flirting with the hot life guard is horrible." She told me. I remember Niall and remembered sitting in my room for almost two months straight!

"He wasn't there. I need to open myself up." I told Amanda.

"Pleaee rethink this." She pledded.

"Amanda, one tea isn't going to hurt." I said. She pouted and swam away. I felt bad alittle. I kept jumping off the donpving board. I noticed the life guard watching me. I started to run on the diving board to do a flip wh

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