「Chapter Three」

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From time to time, I'd come across Ren in the halls or in the main communication bridge. I'd watch him sometimes, in secret of course. Using the force, I learned to mask my presence so he couldn't sense me.

At nights, when security was at its lowest, quietest, Id undress myself down to my night gown, long layers of thin, sheer fabrics tinted in a pale purple, curved open sleeves hanging just below my shoulders as the tops were exposed. My hair was down, a gentle wave from it being in a bun all day, long halfway down my back.

Id tiptoe through the halls, acting as if I were an intruder, hiding myself while simply exploring. It was a fun pass-time activity for those restless nights, especially when the possibility rose that I might get to see Kylo Ren.

And that, I did.

My bare feet quietly pattered along the slick floors, approaching a corner, and just before I could make the turn down the next hall, a deep voice echoed and paused me in my step. I carefully approached the corner, holding the walls and peaking around. There, I was met with the unsuspecting Kylo Ren, speaking to a General, a black droid by his side.

He seemed impatient, irritated, and at this time of night, I imagine tired. Yet, he kept his cool. With his fists clenched, he made a swift turn my way, walking with heavy steps down the hall.

I hastily ran, tucking myself into a divot in the wall as he passed by without notice. My masking skills were getting impressive.

It seemed being invisible was always my speciality.

From time to time, the doctor and I would be stationed on a planet, on standby for emergencies—especially since him and I were both veteran's.

One day as we were settling in our new station on a shady trading planet, the doctor was busy enough for me to sneak past and wander the city. The streets were busy, finding myself overwhelmed by the crowds. Homeless citizens barely hanging on, beggars, gamblers, thieves—I just needed to get away from it. Yet luckily I stumble upon an empty alley where stood a tall figure, shrouded in shadows as his cloak hung over his head.

"You, there." His voice beckoned. "I can sense it within you... come closer..."

I hesitate, but against my better judgement, I step closer. A foul, sour smell reeked from the stranger, forcing my hand to cover my nose. The stranger laughs a low grumble before checking his surroundings.

"Just for you, Princess."

His hand reached out from his cloak, and atop his palm, a pure kyber crystal, freshly cut and untouched by any force user. It entranced me for a moment, whispering my name, getting into my head.

I snapped out of the trance and reached for it when he suddenly snatched his hand back.
"Ah-ah—" He shook his fingers. "Trade..."

I pinch my lips together, eyes on the crystal, and release a sigh, reaching for my blaster and quickly trading it in.

With it now in my hand, a sharp tingle shoots through my body. The man ominously giggles as he scurries away into the darkness, leaving me alone again.

I quickly made way back to the station and into the medical bay where I held the crystal for a moment, staring at its beauty. And for a split second, it began to glow. My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed the lightsaber i'd put back together and packed the crystal inside.

Stepping into the middle of the room, I held the lightsaber up, heart racing with excitement. I was nervous, I'd never held a working saber before. But, with a frightened swallow, I activated it, and out shot the laser, scaring me to a jump where I dropped the saber to the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, picking it up and hesitantly activating it again.

Star Wars: Lust For Power // Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now