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Before I could even get over there my aunt opened up my closet. James was in there. With only his jeans on. No shirt. No shoes.

"Who are you!?" My aunt yelled. Sigh. James got out.

"Aunt Cathy. This is James. My boyfriend." I announced. She turned to me and James our on his shirt.

"So that's why you were screaming!?" She asked. "Because you were fucking!?"

"Aunt Cathy..." I wispered. James and I were both looking down. She then stormed out of the house. Fuuuuuuck.

"I think it's a good time for me to go... see ya." He said kissing me on my forehead. I waved goodbye. Crap.


I woke up and put on a Skid Row hoodie, black jeans, and Converse. I grabbed my bag and went to school. The councilor stopped me in the hall and told me to go to the principal's office. If I'm being honest. I hurt from yesterday afternoon. There was a girl in his office. Wow. Two new kids on only 2 days.

"Ruby. You'll be showing Jessica around the school today." Principal Rush told me. After a few more minutes if going over stuff we left. She seemed so familiar.

"Ao tell me something about yourself." I insisted. Trying to be as nice as possible.

"Well. My name is Jessica Markems. I moved here because my dad got a promotion. So we went form Maine t-" I stopped in my tracks. Oh. My. Fucking. God. It can't be. I gasped. My eyes were wide open. "What? Did I say something?" She seemed to get worried. I took some deep breaths to catch my voice.

"Sorry to get into your personal life. But do you happen to have a brother?" I asked.

"I'm yes. But he sadly ran away when I was 14." She answered. It's so. It can't not be true.

"I'm gonna fucking faint." I said.

"Why?" She added.

"Is his name James?" I asked. She nodded. I hugged her tight. "Oh my god! It's you! I can't fucking beleive it!" I cheered. I was almost in tears. Standing in the middle of the hall. Luckly everyone was in class.

"What are you talking about?" She obviously thought I was crazy.

"I know James! He's my boyfriend!" I announced. Tears started to fall down her face too. Oh my god. This can't be possible.

"Do you wanna ditch and go to the park?" She asked. I nodded. We went to the park and sat on a bench. "So tell me about him. I haven't seen him on years. How is he? How did you two meet?" She kept asking.

"Well. He's my brother's best friend and the drummer in my brothers band. They've been coming over for a little over a year now and I just met them a week or two ago. And so James and I started dating." I answered. "Actually. Do you want me to call him?" I asked.

"Yes please! Maybe we could meet up for lunch!" She begged. I called him.

"Hey babe. Aren't you supposed to be at school?" He answered the phone.

"Yes. I'm supposed to be. But can we please meet up for lunch at the café? I have a really big surprise for you." I responded.

"Your brother's gonna kill me buy okay. See you at noon." He agreed before hanging up. Jessica hugged me.

"I can't believe this. Thank you so so much." She thanked. I showed her some pictures if him. "He never got a hair cut." She laughed. We talked about eachother and him. At 11:30 we went to the café. We sat outside at a table waiting.

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