Chapter: 5 Slumber Party

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"BILLY PUT ME DOWN NOW!" Katherine screamed, she wiggled aggressively trying to get off his shoulder. She was plopped down and now sitting on his leather seats, Billy closed the door and lock it before she could exit the vehicle. She crossed her arms in defeat knowing she needed the ride.

'We're not going to take it' poured from the radio, they stayed silent as he pulled away from the party. Kat played against the window letting the cold glass cool down her hot cheeks as she stared at the trees go by, deciding to break the deafening silence she sat up and faced him.

"I-i don-t wanna go home." She slurred, but her eyes plead to look into his, he sighed slightly and his eyes began to soften looking over at her but not losing focus on the road.

"Why?" He said softly looking over at her from the corner of his eye, her face dropped she began to look in her lap the overwhelming feeling of loneliness consuming her chest.

"B-because I'm tired of being a-alone." The hurt consuming her words. Billy's eyes went wide her words pounding into his chest, his eyes darkened slightly as he reached his hand over searching for her. When he finally discovered her hand resting in her lap he intertwined his fingers into her, she looked up at him slightly, his smile sincere this time.

" I have an idea." He chimed in and continued to look forward turning into her street. She scrunched her nose a little wondering what the blonde-boy was thinking.


Katherine stumbled into her house slamming the door wide open, she extended her arm out showing off her humble home as if Billy had never seen it before.

"MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME!" She screamed, Billy quickly covered her mouth after. He scanned the room with his eyes looking frantic.

"Didn't you say your brother was here." He said low so only she could hear. She giggled under his palm removing his hand.

"Yea but the kid sleeps like a log." She then quickly scurried to her brother's room Billy not far behind, she opened his bedroom door showing off the small boy. His mouth was wide open and loud snoring left his mouth. She quickly walked out slamming the door behind her.

"Grab some records off the shelves you're the DJ tonight." Kathrine grinned while reading her mother liquor cabinet. Billy walked over to the walk shelf grabbing a hand full of random records and they both proceed upstairs quickly. Once they made it to the familiar room Katherine closed the door swiftly behind her with her foot, she glided over to her nightstand setting down the large bottle and glasses.

"What did you pick Romeo." She said while wasting no time and pouring whiskey into the two small glasses. Billy put down the small bag he had brought with him containing spare clothes, he strolled over to the record player putting down the vinyl then putting the needle down. Queen filled the small room and they both swallowed the dark liquid while moving to 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.

"....FOR ME FOR ME FOR MEEEE.." Kat screamed sing along with the song then taking a swig of her whiskey, Billy began to pretend to air guitar as they jumped around. As the music died down 'Don't stop me now by - Queen' began to play they both sat down on her bed to catch their breaths.

"Talk to me Rome." Katherine said through her intoxicated grin, Billy's smiled lustfully looking over at her.

"Romeo?" He said smoothly question her words. She quickly made hand gestures in between them, Billy nodded finally realizing the nickname he gave her. Kat grabbed Billy's empty glass pouring another round and gave the glass back to Billy. She held the cup outward towards the boy, he connected his glass to hers slightly.

"May tomorrow never comes and this night never ends." She announced giving Billy a lustful smile before putting the glass to her lips and swallowing all of the brown liquid." Billy's eyes went wide and his face went Slightly pink nodding in agreement before taking in the whole drink as well.

'Somebody to love by-Queen' began to play on the record, Billy stood up and turned around extending his hand toward her.

"Dance with me?" He smiled looking down at her. Katherine looked at the boy surprised but continued to extend her arm grabbing his hand. Billy pulled her into his chest as they danced circles around the room spinning her around occasionally. The alcohol began to swirl around in Kat's head causing her to miss-step, she tumbled back bringing Billy down onto her the sound of ripping fabric coming from above them.

"Fuck are you ok?" Billy's eyes looked into hers concerned. Both of there eyes quickly flickered above them seeing her red curtains ripped slightly, there eyes meeting again before bursting into laughter. When they finally stopped Katherine looked into Billy's eye's she examined the deep blue pools up close, his eyes were dark grey-blue around the ends but slowly lightened towards the center with hints of yellow peeking out.

"You're eyes are beautiful." She said pushing back the strands of his hair that tickled her face, Billy's face began to turn into a light shade of pink. He touched her forehead and patted her head a little as if he was searching for something.

"What are you doing?" Kathrine giggled as his fingers glided across her face, he continued to pat her down all over her face and head.

"You must have hit your head hard." He said through a playful smile. His hand stopped searching and rested under her chin rubbing it in small circles with his thumb. Their eyes meet and she could feel the tension grow between them.

"Kiss me.." Katherine whispered her eyes not once leaving his. Billy bent down slowly over her, his lips hovering over hers before moving up and kissing her forehead lightly, He pulled away standing up and helping her up as well. Her face flustered as she walked slowly to her bed. Billy walked over to the record player and turned the music off.

"Why?" Katherine chocked almost tearing up. Billy turned around shocked looking at her, he ran over to her quickly and bent down on his knees so he could look into her eyes.

"Why, what?" Billy said rubbing a small tear away from her face.

"Why won't you kiss me. " She began doing her best not to chock on her words and trying to hold back tears.

"Why doesn't anyone want me. " This time tears began rolling down her face slowly. Billy's eyes widened and darkened slightly looking over her, He lifted her chin up to get a good look at her wiping away her tears with his free hand.

"Believe me you don't know how bad I wanna kiss you." He said with a small grin making Katherine laugh through her tears a little.

" Just not like this, ok." This time his voice soft, his thumb circling her chin again as before, he nodded slowly understandably.

"Come on it's late." He said removing his boots and gently laying her down next to him, they played there for a moment just looking at each other before sleep overcame Katherine.

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