Chapter: 8 Unpredictable Storm

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The cold steady air hit Katherine's face as Billy drove, she had picked up a few of her and Nancy's favorite flicks, her mind roamed as she gazed into the forest.

"What are you thinking about?" Billy said looking at her slightly without losing focus from the road.
Under the moonlight, his blue-grey eyes lit up gleaming into her, his hand rested on her lap his fingers caressing slightly on her knee.

"Nothing just appreciating the scenery." Her eyes not leaving the dark sky.

"Do you trust me." Billy abruptly asked causing Katherine to turn to face him.

"Why?" Uncertainty filling her voice as she gazed at him seeing the devious grin beginning to form at the corners of his lips.

"Yes or no?" Billy spoke through his skimming grin.

"Nope, not even a little." She chuckled, causing Billy to look over at her this time his smile turning twisted sinister.

"Well, then I guess your getting kidnapped." His eyes focusing back to the road, leaving Katherine in her thoughts as Billy turned onto an unfamiliar dirt path.

They continued driving for ten minutes before the dirt road ahead of them faded away, Billy came to a halt in the middle of the woods. He turned his car off and continued out of his car and around to Katherine's side opening the door.

"So this is were you murder me and dispose of my body." Katherine teased as she exited his car, he rolled his eyes and took hold of her hand leading them down a unmarked path.

"Hahaha funny, but no." He sarcastically laughed as he began walking deeper into the woods.

"Then where are you taking me, Billy, I need to get home." Katherine pled while analyzing her surroundings keeping herself in check and making out potential weapons in case of an unexpected arrival that could potentially be lurking.

"Here. " Billy announced coming to a stop causing Kat to turn her head in his direction, a lengthy pier extended its self into a large lake leaving a clear unrealistic view of the sky, the fall air made the colorful leaves around them look almost painted.

"Wow." Katherine's whispered as she stood in awe of the view. Billy began to lead her to the end of the pier leaving them practically in the middle of the lake and a clear view of the shore around them. They both sat on the edge across from one another leaning on the railings.

"How did you find this place?" Finally looking at Billy who was already staring at her, his eyes were soft-looking into hers.

" I don't like being home, so when I moved here I was two weeks out of school before being enrolled so I had some spare time to adventure around." His eyes leaving hers looking up at the clear stary sky.

"What happened to your eye?" An just like that it was as if Katherine had flipped the switch, Billy's eyes went dark and he didn't glance at her but Katherine could see the anger in his face.

"Got into a fight." He's words colder than his expression, she could feel the space starting to grow between them. Kat got up and sat back down just inches away from Billy's face.

"Don't do that, please." She cupped his face slightly forcing him to look at her.

"Do what?" He said even colder this time.

"Push me away again, you can't just tell me you can talk to me and that you care about me one minute then go back to being mister asshole again." Her fingers slowly gliding across the dry blood under his eye, he sighed slightly under her palm. He grabbed her hand gently bringing it up to his lips.

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