Chapter: 11 The Reckoning

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Billy's POV

"C-can anyone help me! Shes dying help me please!"
Billy screamed through the empty halls of the ER Katherine's lifeless body had gone cold somewhere along the run from the Byers house and he had become desperate for aid. Two nurses peered there heads from a backroom rushing towards his side.

"What happened to her?" The first nurse asked while the other pulled up the gurney.

"She lost a lot of blood from her cut and i didn't have a car or phone so i ran here from the Byers residentst." Worry began filling his face as both nurses faces dropped from his feedback.

"Is she going to be ok?" He continued searching their worried expressions for answers but none was given, the doctor emerged from the end of the hall running over to both nurses.

"Transport her to ICU now!" The doctor demand while helping to push the gurney down from where he emerged, Billy began pacing with them watching as they began to remove her clothes exposing her chest to get a better feel of her heart beat.

"You can't go any further, you have to wait for the doctors orders." The first nurse said stopping to holding Billy behind the ICU doors.

"But is she going to be ok why isnt anyone answering me!" The frustration had gotten to him at this point and he couldnt help but scream at her.

"Look shes lost of alot a blood and her heart rate is low but not something to worry about. Just come with me and fill out the patients information for me please sir." The woman explained slowly leading him into the family waiting room.

"Her name is Katherine Henderson i think her mom works her." He said hoping it would do some good in any way.

"Ms.Henderson is the head nurse here shes not working but ill call her immediately, and who are you to the patient?" The woman asked looking up from her board to meet with the boys blue eyes.

"Oh I'm Billy Hangrove, Katherines u-um boyfriend." An uneasy smile creeped across his face as he looked back at her, she nodded breafly before vanishing once he entered the small bright room. For 45 minutes Billy flipped through the small tv trying to get his mind off of Kathtine but the moment 'Queen' filled the MTV Music channel singing 'Sombody to love' he couldn't help but break down inside.

"Fuck!" He screamed throwing the remote across the room casuing it to break once it hit the wall, he sat down burying his face in his palms holding back every urge in him from smashing everything else in the room.

(Knock Knock)

The physician from earlier peered his head into the room casuing Billy to scurry to his feet and rush to the door.

"Mr. Hargove we haven't been able to get in contact with none of Ms. Hendersons family but we did call her mothers emergency contacts, i would like to let you know that she is stable...for now." The doctor stated but the way he explained it made the feeling inside Billy stir more.

"What the hell do you mean for now!" Billy couldn't help the anger leave his lips anymore, he hated feeling the emptiness that began growing inside of him as time went by.

"S-she hasn't woken up, she developed an infection from having the wound open for too long. We believe her body is fighting the infection but it's causing her to stay asleep, we aren't sure how long she will be asleep but we can only hope for the best. " The Doctor became uneasy with Billy's glare, he motioned towards the doors for Billy to follow leading the boy into a bigger room. Katherine's body laid on a white bed motionless connected to a small blood transfusion machine, her color had returned slightly bring back the light rose to her cheeks.

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