Chapter: 10 Untamed Darkness

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Kat's throbbing arm woke her shooting electricity through her as she tried to move her injury.

"Fuck this is definitely going to leave a scar." She whispered to herself as she gently slumped up in the dim room. The evil dead poster and records laying around confused her for a moment, but once she looked up at the small white vanity in front of her she could see the camera and stacks of photos on the drawers recognizing the familiar feel of it all and slowly coming to her understanding that she was in Jonathan's bedroom. Before she could question her whereabouts the intense pounding of her blader made it aware that she was about to burst from the amount of liquid she held in this whole time, she quickly slid out of the bed making her way to the door.

Dustin and his friends could be seen staring out the window and voices could be heard outside, Kat figured the kids were probably listening in on the sheriff and Ms.Buyers conversation outside. She didn't mind at the moment to investigate she was seconds away from erupting all over the floor.

Once she was done she stood in the mirror of the bathroom taking a quick peed at her appearance. Kat's face was scratched up slightly but was nothing compared to the fresh bruises that could be seen peering from her freshly wrapped arm. The sight of it made her cringe slightly at the thought her mother seeing her like this, an oversized AC/DC shirt hung off of her and dark grey sweats replaced the jeans she wore earlier.

"God i look like sh-" A loud slamming of the front door interrupted her thoughts, and immediate screams could be heard filling the house. Kathrine rushed out of the restroom quickly to see Billy holding Lucas up by his shirt causing him to freeze in horror. Before she could act the Lucas kicked him right in the balls causing Billy to drop him instantly.

"You're so dead Saint Claire!" Billy spat, his eye becoming dark looking down at the boy, Katherine took a step forward ready to face Billy but before she could a warm hand pulled her back gently. Steve met eyes with her for a moment before walking past her and quickly grabbing ahold of Billy by his shirt turning him to look into his dark eyes.

"No, you are!" Steve stated before his fist met Billy's chin causing him to stumble back into the kitchen. An just like a psychopath Billy began to cackle into the air before looking back at Steve. The darkness began to twist his face slowly turning him into someone unrecognizable to Kathrine.

"Looks like you have some fire in you after all! " "Huh?"
"I've been waiting to meet this king steve everyone was telling me so much about!" Billy taunted looking Steve up and down as blood began to drip from his nose.

"Get out. " Steve ordered Billy sternly while pushing him slightly enough to move him away from his face. They glared at one another for a moment before billy through a punch without warning, but Steves fast reactions dodged the abrupt punch and instantly decked Billy in his face once more.

All the kids except for Kat who stood there frozen began chanting loudly as they both began throwing punches at one another. But every single time Steve's fist met Billy's faces a sinister laugh would leave his lips filling the air once more.

Steve hit him one last time causing the boy to knock back into the counters but without a second thought, Billy grabbed a plate smashing it into Steve's head causing him to plunge over in pain. Katherine quickly yanked her brother out of Billy's way barely missing his free fists but instead striking Steves face.

"No one tells me what to do!" Billy yelled continuing to slam his fist into Steve's faces until he remained unconscious on the floor, but that didn't stop Billy he kept going hitting him harder and harder each time. Katherine couldn't take it anymore she had to do something before he killed Steve, she ran over to Billy and frantically began to tug his shirt trying to pull him back. But with each tug, she could feel the stitches on her arm coming undone.

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