Chapter: 6 The Calm Before The Storm

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The blaring alarm and bang on my door took Kat out of her small coma. Her head began pounding with each bang on the door.

"KATHRINE HENDERSON" she opened one of her eyes searching for something but not realizing what she was searching for.

"GET UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL YOU PROMISED TO TAKE YOUR BROTHER TODAY!" Screamingly my mother continued. "O...okay." I managed to say in order to regain my peace back.

She turned slightly enough to look at the curtains. The red fabric slightly ripped letting in what felt like the whole sun but shining in almost as if it was telling her something. Her green eyes followed the light which slowly took her to the right side of her bed. Blonde soft curls rested against the pillow, there body up against the wall, the boy's shirtless body peering out of the grey silk sheets curling up almost like a puppy, his ocean blue eyes opened locking onto mine.

"Morning Princess." His mouth formed a small smirk.

"Billy!" Kat's mouth dropped as his name slipped from her lips.

"We over slept!" Katherine got up frantically running to the window but when she pulled the curtains open the blue Camaro was no were in sight. She turned her head to the side confused as to what was going on.

"I moved it down the street while you were asleep." He grinned eyeing her up and down.

"You look good in my shirt." Confused Katherine looked down at herself, she was wearing an oversized white tee and underwear only. Her eyes went wide looking up at him for an explanation.

"I wasn't going to let you sleep uncomfortable, don't get me wrong all leather is sexy but you were sweating." He smiled angelically, she rolled her eyes and quickly stammered over to closet grabbed a pair of denim jeans and fresh underwear and her towel. She turned to him and looked over at him lounging in her bed

"I'm going to shower, get dressed quick." He nodded and winked before she left the room running into her bathroom. She hopped into the showering quickly running the cherry shampoo through her scalp and scrubbing away the remainder of the alcohol smell.

She ran in her room quickly brushing her long hair into a nice ponytail as she walked, then applying her strawberry gloss. Billy sat on the open window across from her smoking his cigarette watching her intently. She wore his white tee and folded them at the sleeves so it wouldn't dangle as much, she tucked the shirt into her high waisted denim jeans and rocked it with converse.

"Can I leave this here." Billy said picking up the small bag from yesterday this time his costume from last night inside the bag.

"Put it under the bed." She nodded towards the skirt covering under her mattress. She stood up grabbing her bag and walked quickly to the door, but before she could open the door hands reached around rapping them self's around her.

" Let me drive you to school you look exhausted. " Billy whispered into her ear. She turned to face him cupping his face slightly while looking into his eyes.

"Not today, plus you need to pick up max." Kathrine let go of his gaze and turned around sticking her head out the door checking if her mother had gone back to sleep. She turned to Billy slightly.

"My mom is asleep wait 5 minutes after I leave and dont forget to lock the door" he nodded softly. Katherine closed her bedroom door leaving him behind and rushing down the stairs.

"Dustin let's go!" She said walking up to his door but before she could open the door he ran out and slammed it behind him.

"Ok let's go!" He said turning her around shoving her to the front door. She was confused at first but didn't further question her brother she was too tired to care today. Once entering the car Katherine looked up at her bedroom window she began smiling watching the blue eyes slightly peering out through her curtains.

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