Chapter 3

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  Leila gave me a quick pep talk when we got back home. We Waited a little while longer till Jaden and Anthony came back home. When Jaden came back, he picked up Leila and they both left. Me and Anthony were finally alone and my anxiety has never ever been worse. 

  "So was your day?" I ask him. I wanted to make sure he was chilling before I gave him the news. "Not bad" he told me and I nodded. "Can I to you" I said extremely shakily. "Yeah you ok?" He asked.  "'m not" I told him sitting down and feeling the tears immediately.

   "Hey hey what's wrong" he asked grabbing my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. "I am so sorry" I say through tears and he looks confused. "For what??" He asks. "You're gonna be so mad you're gonna hate me" I say to him but kinda to myself. "Did you cheat on me?" He asks freaked out and I almost laugh. "HA no no that's not it" I tell him. I was almost relieved that that's what he was most scared of cause it wasn't that.

  "Then what is it Ash come on" he tells me and I reach into my pocket and pull out the tests. I kept them on me in fear that he'd see them in the trash can. I handed it to him, afraid to look at him. He looked up at me with watery eyes. "Why would I be mad about this?" He whispered almost smiling. I looked at him like wait wut. "Oh my god Ash this is amazing" he said yanking me into him in the tightest hug. "We're having a baby" he whispered happily. "You're not mad???" I asked shocked. "What? Why would I ever be mad about this" he said cupping my face.

   "We have Muffin and it's already so hard for us" I tell him. "Yeah? But we work through it! And wed never ever give her up" he tells me and I shake my head "yes but this isn't even a cat this is a human! how are we gonna bring a baby into this life?" I ask him. "Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents all did it, we can do it too and I promise you, I am gonna do everything to make sure that you and my baby are safe I promise" I smile and hold him close to me.

  "Please don't even think about giving this up" He says and I smile. "I was so scared" I tell him truthfully. "Don't be, I'm here" he tells me and I can't help but smile. I pull away from him wiping my eyes. "How are we gonna tell everyone else" I ask and his eyes widen. "Oh shit my mom" he says and I snort. "We could do like a dinner or something" he suggests and I shake my head.

  "No way you know I hate those" I tell him. "Babe come on I'm gonna be here and knowing our moms they're gonna feel the need to help you AND Leila will be there she already knows" he told me and I looked at him wide eyed. "How'd you know she knew?" I asked him. "Cause she's been here all day? When else would you have taken the test?" He told me and I scoffed at my own stupidity. "Ok...dinner it is" I tell him. "Good it'll be great" he tells me kissing my forehead. "Now let's go to bed" he says swooping me up into his arms and carrying me upstairs.

AN!---so I decided to do another chapter for you guys since it seems y'all are into this? I just wanted to say, like I said before, even if you hate kids I think you'll like this so please trust me and keep reading.

  ALSO, thank you to everyone who is giving me advice and ideas on the book but please remember this is pre-written therefore I'm really really sorry if it sounds like I'm ignoring you but, I've already written the first 12 chapters and the rest are already coming along.

 ALSO IS IT JUST ME OR IS NO ONE UPDATING?? I HAVENT READ A CHAPTER IN LIKE A MONTH?? don't forget to keep commenting!! I read them all!! it makes me happy!!!!!

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