Chapter 12

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   I shot up out of bed scared at the unfamiliar surroundings but quickly remembered where we were. "You're awake" Anthony said wrapping his arm around me and kissing the top of my head. He was laying next to me on his phone. I groaned shoving my face into his chest. 

   I was awake but not ready to get up yet. After awhile longer of laying down and of course going on my phone to update the friends and fam, I finally pulled myself outta bed. It was already starting to get dark which in this case, was a good thing because that meant all the parties and shit were starting.

   "You gonna go shower?" I asked. "After you do" he told me and I nodded happily getting up. Anthony always let me shower first because I needed my water to be literally boiling.

   I got in the shower and did the whole routine ya know. I threw on this really cute dress cause party and then I opened the door for Anthony to come in. "You can shower now I'm just putting on my makeup and doing my hair" I called out and he walked in.

    Am I the only one who likes to do my makeup after I get dressed? Cause I know people who like do their makeup and stuff in their towel and then get dressed but I feel like that would just ruin my makeup?? 

   I do my makeup and wait for Anthony to be done. He gets out and wraps a towel around his waist, very very low and I get out of the washroom so he can get ready. After doing some research I finally find some raves and parties and things. 

   We get in the lambo that we've rented obviously and start to drive until we get to a really cool looking rave. "Alright where's the alcohol" I say running over to the tents as Anthony laughs. 

   We dance for awhile until Anthony says he's gonna go to the bathroom so obviously I go stay by myself. "Hey" some guy says to me and I turn to look at him. "Yo..." I say quietly before looking away.

   "You here alone?" He asks and I shake my head. "No, I'm here with my husband" I accentuate the word husband. "You look pretty young to have a husband" he tells me. "We got married young?" I say harshly in a 'duh' tone. What is his deal like..can he not take a hint? 

  "You know you don't have to lie to me, I know you're uncomfortable but you'll loosen up" he says putting his hands on my waist. I yank him off quickly turning around. I push him back full force and he falls to the ground. He's winded. He tries to get back up but gets decked in the face hella hard by Anthony. Hes on the ground groaning before Anthony stomps on his chest. 

   He groans even louder at the pain. Not taking his foot off the guys chest, Anthony leans down. "Touch my wife again I dare you" Anthony tells him. I had one of those moments where I was like yeah that's my husband biotch. Basically proud to be married to him cause that was hella hot. I latch onto Anthony's arm as we walk away. "You ok?" He asks and I nodded kissing him on the cheek. 

   We got back to the hotel and I'm feeling sum type of way ya know? after that whole incident I kinda wanted some and ya girl ain't had any in awhile. I didn't even think twice before completely taking off my dress, revealing what I was wearing underneath. I can feel his eyes on me as he's standing behind me. I bend over in order to pick up my dress off the floor. I turn around only to be immediately pushed onto the bed. 

 "Whatchu tryna do" he whispers in a harsh deep voice and I give him this look like "boy you know what I'm tryna do so just give it to me" and trust me...he did...


I woke up tangled up in sheets and Anthony. The sun shining into our room and directly onto his face. it had been awhile since we got to Greece and that incident. we went to a lot more parties and of course...other things ;) we've also been on the other island for awhile and its our last day here. I'm sad and disappointed about it but also tired. I pushed the hair out of Anthonys face and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up. I wrapped myself in a layer of sheets seeing as...I wasn't wearing anything. I quickly went to the bathroom and threw some clothes on and did my hair and makeup real quick so that I could be ready by the time Anthony was up and ready to use the bathroom. once I was done, I got out and threw myself back in bed. Anthony was up and on his phone. "Heyy" he said as I rested my head on his chest. "you didn't wake me up" he said "I didn't want to" I said gently as I traced circles on his chest. 

AN- ok I guess we gotta talk. I had major major writers block for a long time. I have no idea how to (as stupid as this sounds) make a vacation interesting. not only have they done it before but vacations are so repetitive. Also with everything going on in the world currently, I have a pile of homework. I wanna seriously genuinely apologize for not being here. I always told myself I would never be that author who left her book incomplete and thats exactly what I did. imma try again. 

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