Chapter 7

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She takes a deep breath before starting. "I'm really sorry but..." she starts "...there's no heartbeat" she says and Anthony laughs.

   You couldn't find it?" He asks her. "No I...the baby...doesn't have one" she says. "what the fuck does that mean" Anthony asks aggressively and I immediately grab his arm. I don't know why it's just an impulse. "I'm sorry've had a miscarriage" she says and my eyes widen. 

  I honestly have no idea how I feel. "You're lying" Anthony says and I start to get worried, I hope he doesn't freak out. "YOU'RE FUCKING LYING!" He shouts, getting up aggressively.

   "Mr.Reeves please don't raise your voice in here I understand you're upset but-" 

 "NO THIS IS BULL SHIT" he interrupts. "Babe please just go sit in the car ok?" I say grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eyes. He looks away before turning around and walking out.

 "I'm sorry..." I say looking at my feet, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "Don't be, I completely understand and I am so sorry about this but...we should talk about your options" I nodded wiping my tears and sitting back down. 

  She went through it quickly but after hearing them all, I decided to go for the pill that would flush out my system. She gave me the pack and I walked out of the office. Anthony was leaning against the car with a facial expression that said absolutely nothing. Impulsively, I went to the backseat. I quickly realized, I no longer needed to sit there and I went and sat in the front next to him.

 We spent the entire drive back home in complete silence. When we got home, he parked the car and we both kinda just sat there for a bit Until he pulled me in for a hug.

 "It's gonna be ok" I say trying to make the situation better. I feel him nod. Maybe this was a sign that we weren't ready" I say and he pulls away and gives me this look. "What?" He asks confused. "What?" I ask him.

  "What did you say?" He asks sternly and my eyes widen at what I possibly had said wrong. "I said we weren't ready?" He looks at me angrily. "Are you saying you're ok with this happening??" He asks mad. "wh-n-" I didn't even know wtf to say.

  "Are you happy about this???!" He raises his voice. "What?? Of course I'm not??" He gets out quickly and so do I. "Ant-" 

 "YOU LITERALLY SAID IT LIKE YOU WANTED IT" he yelled and I flinched. "I-"

 "YOU HATED THE IDEA OF HAVING A BABY FROM THE START" he yells "YOU PROBALY KILLED IT YOURSELF" my eyes widen at what he's telling me right now. "Ho-" 

 "STOP" he yells and I immediately stop talking. He walks inside angrily. I stand outside in-front of the house next to my car. Everything feels like a dream. It feels like my wedding but not at all. I don't believe anything that happened today. It cannot be real. I stood outside frozen for about 15 minutes before deciding to walk inside. 

AN- this is what I meant but even if you don't like babies you should stay

also sorry if this is triggering or just incorrect? idk much about miscarriages or ultrasounds or babies tbh

ALSO QUESTION? if you set your story on MATURE does it still get a ranking? cause all my stories have rankings except sweet champagne? and I think its cause I put it on mature? can y'all please go check and tell me if it has a ranking? if not ill take it off mature? maybe that's why its so hard to find.

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