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"That's disgusting." he stated, a frown taking over that once, happy face. You sighed, still with your head in your hands.  There was no need to grab you so why did he do it?
After talking about it with the jimin for the entirity of lunch, you both decided to let it go. After all, it was probably an 'in the moment' type of thing. You and Jimin started heading back to that class. Fear started to build inside of you. But you shook it off again.
"Right class, get your math textbooks out and turn to page 76." Mr Jung commanded, glancing at you as you entered the classroom. He thought once he got the class settled, he should try and talk to you again. He realised what he did was wrong and it obviously freaked you out. He was confused though, all the other girls in the class would die just to be touched by him yet you were different, you seemed unbothered by him; that's the reason behind all his 'weird actions'.
30 minutes passed and you began chewing on your pencil. You've always struggled at math despite exceeding expectations for all the other subjects. Patting jimin on the shoulder, you showed your workbook to him, pointing to the question you were struggling with.
"Is it anything i can help with?" Mr Jung said from across the classroom.
"I'm sorry if I offend you in any way but what the hell is your deal with Y/N? Why do you keep picking on her?" Jimin accused. You opened your eyes wide with shock. Jimin has never spoken out before, let alone to a teacher that looks like he could kill you with one look. Mr Jung banged his fists on the table, making everyone jump, except jimin who was glaring at him.
"Y/N" you shot your head up to the sound of your name. What had you done now?
"Jimin, please exit the classroom with me." he bossed. You shot out of your seat immediately. You could feel his anger but jimin lingered, still glaring as Mr Jung walked towards him. You tugged lightly on his arm and all his attention directed towards you.
"Come on Jimin, there's no point being bratty." you said. His glare turned to a slightly shocked face, you could see the hurt in his eyes but it's what you had to do to get him out of his seat. You and Jimin followed Mr Jung out of the classroom, the class erupting into a mumble of voices as the door closed. He lead you both to a room you hadn't seen before. The windows were huge and it smelt unused. Made sense.
"Now jimin, what was your problem with me again?" Mr Jung leaned on a table near him, staring right through him. You grabbed Jimin's hand, shaking your head and mouthing 'no, don't.' Jimin smiled and spoke quietly.
"No problem with you sir."
"Sorry, i didn't quite catch that." he responded.
"No problem with you sir." Jimin replied, louder.
"Great, now go back to class and get on with your work." he said, ushering him off.
"You going to be alright by yourself Y/N?" he questioned and you nodded, smiling weakly at him and flashing a 'save me' look. He laughed at you before returning back to class. Now, it was just you and Mr Jung. Alone. He shut the door slowly, locking it before returning to the position he was in. You felt your heartbeat rising and the butterflies in your stomach making you sick. He paused for a moment, taking you in, looking you up and down. You coughed, grabbing his attention.
"Ahem, is there something you need sir?" you said quietly. He stood up straight, beginning to walk towards you. You started walking backwards, staring at the floor but catching him eye to eye for quick moments. Reaching the wall, your breath hitched; he was still getting closer, till you were practically touching noses. You cowered back as he spoke deeply.
"Is there anything i can help you with..Y/N." You pushed him away.
"You can fuck off, that's what!" you yelled, unlocking the door and running out, speeding down the hallways and out of school. You heard your name being called quietly in the distance.
"Y/N! Y/N come back...please." and then, you were too far gone. You'd only realised you hadn't eaten as you fell to the floor.

MR JUNGWhere stories live. Discover now