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The door banged violently and you shot up, staring out the window to see who it was.
"Y/N if you don't open this FUCKING door I'm going to break it down!" he shouted. You lifted your window up and laughed; he stepped back and saw you.
"Jesus Jimin!" you joked.
"Jesus me? JESUS YOU Y/N! I thought you were dead!" he shouted up to you. Remembering last night, you immediately turned to look behind you but Hoseok wasn't there. It was a school day after all so he should be at school by now. Sighing, you looked back at jimin.
"I'll be down in 5, let me get dressed." you shouted. He nodded before getting into his car and switching on some music.
You got into your uniform and brushed your hair before grabbing your bag. Oh how you were grateful you made your lunch the night before.
You walked sluggishly to Jimin's car with your makeup bag in your hand and as you got in, you opened a big mirror, beginning to apply some makeup.
"You don't need it you know." Jimin said. You smiled at his comment but continued to apply it over your redness.

You wandered through the halls sleepily, putting your makeup bag in your locker, then being shocked by a hand grabbing yours and pulling you into a closet you'd never seen before. Quickly looking to see who it was, you sighed with relief, seeing Hoseok. He smashed your lips together and you wrapped your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair and deepening the kiss.
"Mmm good morning baby." he whispered in your ear. You giggled and replied,
"Good morning." you both broke away from eachother and he peeked out of the closet door before exiting. You followed after him but jumped in fear, seeing Jimin come around the corner. He walked over to you and Hoseok questioningly, raising a brow.
"Why were you two in the janitors closet together?" he asked. You blushed a violent red but Hoseok remained calm.
"I was telling her what she needed to use to clean up the tables in my classroom." he replied. You pulled a face at him and went off with Jimin.
"Clean your own tables!" you shouted, pushing jimin away but turning back to wink at Hoseok. He chuckled and shut the closet door.

"Why did he want you to clean his tables?" Jimin asked. You laughed and sat down with him on a table outside.
"The cleaners didn't do it last night and i went to him to ask about maths so he told me to clean them for him. What a lazy ass." you responded, pulling out a chocolate bar from your bag and sharing a piece with Jimin.
"Are you free tonight?" he asked, biting into he chocolate piece. You nodded in response and he smiled childishly. Ah that smile.
"Cool, wanna come over?" he asked again.
"Sure, I have no plans and my parents aren't home either." you said, hearing the school bell and getting up. You sighed before entering the school again.

A while later:

"Right Y/N, lets go. Yours or mine?" he asked, but before you could respond he continued.
"Yours, because your parents aren't home and mine are." he sighed and began driving to your house.
As he pulled up, you grabbed your bag from the back and you both got out of the car, walking towards your front door and entering in. You locked the door behind you and dropped your keys on the little side table you had by your front door. Jimin jumped onto the sofa in your living room and lay down. You chuckled at his childishness and sat down next to him.
"So what do you-"
"Truth or dare." he blurted, taking you by surprise.
"Alright." you responded. He got out his phone and typed in the game, typing your names in the generator and clicking 'go'.
"So, Y/N, truth or dare." he said eerily.
"Truth." you said. He clicked the generator and read aloud what it said.
"What's your biggest fear?" he recited.
"Hm," you thought, "probably, falling from a high place?" you said. He nodded and handed the phone to you.
"So, Jimin, truth or dare." you imitated. He laughed and responded with 'dare'. You pressed the generator and widened your eyes at what it was.
"What?" he asked nervously.
"W-we can't do that..." you said, putting the phone on the floor.
"A kiss? Ah come on Y/N don't be a pussy! We're just friends, nothings going to change that." he reassured.
"B-but it says we have to do it for t-thirty seconds." you responded.
"And? Come on, it will be fun." he sat up and moved closer to you. You also sat up. It was just a stupid kiss right? What could go wrong?
Before you had any time to react, he pressed his plump lips against yours. You both closed your eyes as you started to make out. You and your best friend making out...weird. You became too deep into it, as did he and he laid you on the floor, kissing you passionately. After 2 minutes of intense kissing, he pulled away, a string of your saliva still connecting your mouths. He widened his eyes and sat up, crawling away from you and wiping his mouth. Oh my god. You just made out with your best friend.

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