Naruto Uzamaki

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Realizing that Life has different definition in the eyes of different people. There is no a clear cut definition for it. For some, life is all about building a family and leading "life" as it is. For some, life is all about accumulating wealth. For others ,life is all about engaging in academic circle. Still for others, life is all about art. For many life is all about love. For a few, life is all about religious practices. For philosopher like Aristotle life is about happiness: "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." Hence life has different definition for different people.

When i open my eyes i been place to a bed with naruto. I'm sure were in the orpahanage, which naruto supposed to be when the attack of kurama has stop. This is the orphanage were i watch naruto being abuse by the caretaker, and now also me. Seeing the death of my new parents make me feel the gap they left in my heart throb when they died. I'n happy being their new added family member but sad at the same time, hoping that this time i could really have a family. But no! Everything vanish because of those akatsuki bastard. I wish i could kill them. But no, I'm still an infant . This time i need to take care of naruto. I need to be with him, and support him. Ha? Where naruto btw?
I move my eyes around and found naruto crying beside me. He must be hungry. Speaking of hungry, i feel hungry too. Where is that damn caretaker. When will she feed us. Naruto cry keep on growing louder and louder. He must be really hungry.

" Shut up!!"startled by sudden shout coming from the door i look at the person who was walking to us. It's the caretaker. She coming to us with such a face. Her face is filled with distain,scare, and madness. She look like ready to murder both naruto and me.

"Shut up! Shut up! " i watch wide eyes as she pick naruto and shake him roughly to stop him from crying but it only made it worst. Naruto just cried more. The fuck she doing! She crazy!
I try catching her attention by grabing her dress so hard that it tear a little. I smirk a little in my head. Mission complete i got her attention completely that she put down naruto to see the masterpiece i did to her dress. I can clearly see how her face turn tomato red from anger. She pick me up to and shake me up so much that it make me dizzy while she shout every bad word she could throw on us. Atleast naruto is not hurt, but i can still hear him crying. The caretaker must notice me just silently staring at her without emotion. Because i feel her stiff and flich away from me. Ha! You should, if looks can kill she will be already. She hurt naruto enough. I will never let her, hurt him anymore because naruto has me now, and that would stay the same.

The caretaker left very fast for me to care. I turn my attention to naruto who is still crying beside. I know that for tonight we will not eat as i scared the caretaker aways so much that i don't think she'll have the gut to come back by herself. And i know for sure she'll come back, because she can't abandone us, or else the third hokage will come kill her if she did. I know for sure the ANBU that was watching us already report what he see. Turning my eyes to naruto who turn silent,to see him sleeping soundly. Crying must have tired him out that he pass out. Looking in his hand , holding it while letting myself fall asleep too. Letting out all my burden away completely. Knowing everything will be alright, because I'm not Alone anymore.


Somewhere away from the twin.

The third hokage listening to the ANBU report while looking in his crystal ball, their lay a picture of two infant sleeping with each other arm. Sighing before standing up," Make sure that you keep an eye on them,from now on. If anthing happened that put them in danger, you have the order to kill just to save them." The ANBU dissappear and left the third hokage thinking. " I guess I need to watch out to both of them. As they are your precious treasure."

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