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I'm part of the team, and I'm no better or any worse than any single player on this team. That approach I've always had and will continue to have. It's not about me. It' has never been all about me. If it had, this would have been a really lonely journey.



It's so nice to sleep in the comfort of your own home. The sunlight where it can reach you. The nice fragrance in the air bring joy to the surrounding.

"What a nice day" I said. My brother who is beside me nodding. He's busy eating the rice ball I made for him.

Where on our way to school. And were walking slowly because I dont want him to choke on the food he's eating. We both are wearing our protector headband. He wont shut up last night, He keep admiring it till he fell asleep.

Today will be a long day. Were going to know who are teammates. I just wish its not one of those lame group. I will burry myself if they put me in one of the useless group.

On our way to school we bump into neji and hinata. Hinata faint from shock. Hinata always faint even before she can even make eye contact with my brother. I was supposed to offer to carry her but my brother said he would do it instead. Both neji and I raised our eyebrow in confusion.

How cute. My brother is so dense sometimes. He didn't even know he was the one that cause hinata to faint. I feel bad for hinata, if she wake up she would turn red in an instant and probably faint again.

My brother and I continue to talk while walking to school, while Neji remained silent behind us. Sometimes I would take a peek, just to see what he's doing. As usual he always look distant, probably thinking about how he need to get stronger. When he would noticed me staring I couldn't help but hurriedly look away. It was awkward whenever our eyes met. Super awkward.


We arrive at the school just in time before the last bell. And as usual the classroom is crowded with children. The classroom is noiser than yesterday. I know their very excited who will be their team mates. But this much.

Any minute now..I would explode from all this. I tried keeping myself calm by exhaling and inhaling. But everytime I did it, the noise keep making me lose concentration. I probably has an anime vein now. I thought it was funny how they got an anime vein when they mad and  whenever I watched anime I always think whether if its true..well it was freaking annoying to know it was happening to me. Talk about karma.

"Kyaaaaaa!" my ear is twitching in annoyance. Those squeal will be the dead of me. It must be one of Sasuke's fangirl again. They always annoy me whenever they fangirl over Sasuke. I think if I took sasuke's breath and sell it to them, they will throw all they money just to buy it. Those fangirl would squeal in everything Sasuke do.

"SASUKE-KUN! " acck! Seriously I really want to gag. It's bad enough they squeal even the slightest move sasuke do but to call him that ah.. I feel bad for him.

I was watching the whole thing before my eyes. Sasuke is ignoring his fangirl as usual. I bet he's very annoy in the inside. I can read him like an open book. The way his finger twitch from those squeal and the way he tried so hard not clench his fist in annoyance make me smirk in satisfaction.

He really is different from his brother. He's brother who is hard to read. I guess he still human after all. He so blinded by his revenge that he forgot thats he's human and human is better off enjoying their lives. After all human only lives once, we all die.

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