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I shiver as I awaken, for a moment confused by my surroundings. But then, it all comes rushing back to me, and I pinch myself, only semi-hoping that this is all a dream.

Unfortunately, it hurts, and I therefore am forced to face the fact that my reality has grown quite strange indeed.

I turn to my side, attempting to mane myself comfortable enough to fall asleep once more, still not ready to deal with the situation at hand, but receive the shock of my life when I am met with the sight of Jimin fast sleep beside me.

As my heart calms, I recall the kiss he'd stolen from me last night, and begin to grow far too agitated to fall back to sleep.

I suppose I should be grateful that he stopped at kissing.

It had surprised me, to be honest. It isn't like I can deny a God, if he'd desired it, I'd have been left with no other choice but to comply. And in all honesty, anything would be preferable to the whore house.

But, in the end, he'd shown a surprising amount of compassion, and pulled away just as my body and mind had begun to acclimate to the idea of sleeping with him. At first I'd been disappointed, but once I'd returned to my senses, I'd also been grateful.

Unable to shake away my worries, I gingerly climb out of his gargantuan bee, nearly sighing in relief as he remains fast asleep.

He looks so peaceful, so beautiful as he sleeps, even though the state of my head is in a mess I can't deny how attractive he is.

But then again, he is Jimin the lustful, and I'd not be the first to find him so irresistible stunning.

I glance about his bedchambers, idle eyes searching for something to pass the time until he awakens. I won't even bother trying to think of a way out of this situation I seem to have landed myself in, for what's the point.

How does one escape a God?

And to be honest, this arrangement is infinitely better than becoming a prostitute. If I look at things that way, I am almost grateful that things turned out like this instead, though I am still uneasy about the idea of marrying a man I don't even know.

Moonlight spills through the walls made of glass, casting an ethereal glow upon the bedchambers. I stand in awe, having never seen anything quite as grand as the moon in my entire life. Where I'm from, one never sees the moon, or the sun for that matter, and I find the sight of it quite entrancing.

Following a singular line of shadows, I spot the door that Jimin had previously led me through, and innocently wonder what the moon would look like without the barrier of glass to separate us.

Unable to defy my own curiosity, I quietly walk to the door, and exit, grateful for just how smoothly and silently the door slides open.

The air outside is fresh and calming, and does wonders for my state of mind. I allow all of my questions and worries to slip away as I find myself automatically drawn to the edge of the courtyard once more. But this time, instead of peering down in a hopeless attempt to see the world below, I gaze up at the sky, quite literally enthralled by the moon and it's silvery glow.

"You must be Yue, " a voice from behind announces, startling me so badly that I almost squeal.

I turn around frantically, and am met with the sight of yet another handsome man. This one has vibrantly rose-colored hair, with just a touch of gold, and eyes the color of the deepest void. Almost purple, his eyes seem to catch the light in a way that leaves me breathless, and it is all I can do to stare at him as if I were a metaphorical deer caught in subliminal headlights.

"My name's Jeongguk, " he tells me, smiling wryly. "It's nice to finally meet you. Jiminie's been talking about you nonstop since the two of you met."

I clear my throat awkwardly, unsure of what I should say.

"It's a rare thing for someone to stick their neck out for somebody else these days, " he speaks, claiming the spot at the rail next to me comfortably, confidence radiating from his every pore. "It's good to know that there is still something good left in this world."

Disbelief rears it's ugly head at his words, and I shake my head.

"I really didn't do anything worth all this fuss, " I quietly assert. "My actions we're pointless anyway, it isn't like they could have really harmed him."

"Ahh, " he replies, one corner of his mouth tilting into a lopsided grin. "But that's not the point of it. You didn't know he was a God and you still put your life on the line to help him. I'd say that's worthy of a bit of pride."

"You would, " I snort derisively, for a moment forgetting that I am speaking to Jeongguk the proud.

He looks at me and raises a single, perfect eyebrow, and I stumble over my words as I attempt to apologize.

"Sorry, " I murmur anxiously. "I don't always know when to shut my mouth."

His eyes, somehow, become even darker, a hint of something frightening seeping in around the edges and causing my blood to run cold.

"I could think of a few other uses for a mouth like that, " he teases.

And though his voice sounds light hearted enough, his statement is anything but.

"I though Jimin was supposed to be the lustful one," I nearly squeak.

"Oh he is, " he replies. "But that doesn't mean the rest of us are immune to desire, or any other emotion for that matter. Tae represents wrath, and yet none has a more explosive temper than Jiminie. And though I might be the literal embodiment of pride, we all fall victim to it on multiple occasions."

Quietly, I mull over his interesting choice of words. Gods falling 'victim' to emotions? It sounds so utterly implausible that I have to fight to stifle a laugh.

But Jeongguk simply watches me patiently, eyes still burning with an emotion I don't dare name.

"You seem easy to talk to, " I muse quietly, turning to face him despite the anxiety that eats away at my insides. "Not at all what I expected from Jeongguk the proud."

He smiles, a full, bright and boyish smile that displays adorably large front teeth.

"Just because we embody one thing above all others doesn't mean that's who we are all the time, " he replies cheekily.

I nod, realizing that I dont really have any sort of reply to that.

Together, we stare out into the distance, watching as the shimmering light if the moon illuminated the clouds. They swirl about, hiding us away from the world below so effectively, that we might as well be in another world altogether.

"You don't seem entirely pleased to be here, " he notes perceptively. "I could argue that you aren't really what I expected of a human female either."

This time, I do laugh as he continues to smile. I'm not sure what it is, but this one seems to put me at ease, at least a little.

"I never really dreamed that I'd be able to get married, " I reveal.

I might regret it later, but for now, something in me wants to trust Jeongguk, and I could desperately use someone to talk to right now.

"Then what's the problem?"

I shake my head, struggling to find the answer to that myself.

"I'm not sure, " I confess. "I just... I just don't think marriage should be something that is a reward. And I've always raged against the idea of loveless marriages."

"So you don't want to marry a God?" His face is stamped with disbelief, and I sigh, wishing it wasn't a concept that's so hard to understand.

"I wouldn't want to marry anyone under these circumstances, " I admit, frowning slightly. "I don't even know him. Why would I want to marry a stranger?"

His face softens, and his lips curl into a pleased grin.

"Jimin was right, " he announces happily. "You really are something else."

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