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"You know, " Tae says, rubbing small and mindless circles into my lower back with gentle, caring fingers. "There's no need to keep hiding from the rest of the guys."

I've been holed up inside of Tae's tower for the last three days. Initially, it had less to do with avoiding anyone, and more to do with how ravenous I'd been for his touch.

But now?

"I don't know, " I sigh, pulling away despite the frown that spreads itself upon his face. "What if the others are upset with me once they find out?"

"Jagi, " he whines boyishly, "they already know."

Immediately, I stiffen against his touch.

We've been laying in Taehyung's bed for what feels like forever, content simply with each other's company. But now, as I attempt to pull away, he huffs like a little boy who's toy has been snatched.

I fix him with a withering glare as I sit up, and as he also rises, he holds his hands up as if to placate me.

"It's not like you've been particularly quiet, " he chuckles. "I really don't think you need to be worried though. Nobody is upset with you."

"I just can't understand it, " I sigh.

Or maybe I do. Maybe I've gotten too big for my britches, and dared to hope for something that never would have happened in the first place.

Of course they wouldn't care about sharing me. What am I to them anyway?

If anything, I should be relieved. So why the hell do I feel so disappointed?

"Even Jimin?"

"Even Jimin, " Tae replies with a grin. "If anything, he's just more eager to shove his dick into you."

I blush, and Taehyung chuckles, amused by the flush in my cheeks.

The bed dips under his weight as he shuffles about, coming to rest beside me.

"As much as I'd love to hog you all to myself, " he states, "the other's are getting antsy."

I pale considerably, mouth tightening into a frown.

"I thought you said they weren't angry with me?"

He smiles, and shakes his head.

"They're not, " he repeats. "They just really miss you. They're all taking your absence pretty hard, but I think Yunki is taking it the worst. I wouldn't be surprised if he busts in here to drag you out if this continues for much longer."

My stomach flip-flops, thighs clenching together subconsciously as I recall just how close Yunki had been to ravishing me just the other day.

"Somehow, " I think to myself, "it feels like a lifetime ago."

With a sigh, I bury my face into my hands, only to have them pulled away by Taehyung, who is smiling brightly still.

"Come on, " he says, standing tall and holding his hand out for me to take. "If it makes you feel better, I'll be right beside you."

Surprisingly, it does make me feel better.


"I swear it, " he replies cheerfully. "On my honor as a God."

Reluctantly, I take his hand.

Not once, as he leads me out of his tower, does he complain about my grip being too tight. Even when he takes me down a path that I have yet to explore, and I fail to recognize our surroundings. My hand squeezes his so tightly, that were he not a God, I'd be worried about permanent damage.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask nervously,  "I've never been this way before."

"Doesn't surprise me, " he laughs. "You've spent your whole time here trying to avoid everyone. Today, I just want to show you that you don't have to."

I frown, "you still haven't answered the question."

He turns his head to face me, and flashes me an award-winning smile.

"I'm taking you to the lounge, " he reveals. "It's a shared space, we all hang out there from time to time."

I tilt my head in confusion.

"But why haven't I seen it before?"

He merely chuckles in reply.

It isn't long before our destination comes into view. Tucked away just behind Seokjin's tower is an expanse of columns, all wrapped up in flowering ivy. They form a large, rectangular pattern, with only a roof above to shelter the space from the skies. There are no walls, so the open air flows freely, but despite this it looks cozy and warm.

A large, golden brazier sits in the very middle, and there are a plethora of seating options scattered around the open flame contained within.

For the most part, as we step past the ornate columns, we find it to be empty. Seokjin sits to one end of the brazier, delicate crystal goblet in hand. And Namjoon sits nearby, completely absorbed in his book. I feel anxiety clawing at me from within, and I suddenly want nothing more than to run back to Taehyung's chambers, and ignore ever having seen the two at all.

But then, Seokjin notices us, and his plush lips fall open in surprise.

"Yue!" He exclaims, jumping from his seat with excitement clear in his emotive eyes.

He rushes forth, and embraces me firmly. I turn my head, silently pleading with Tae to help me. But the God of Wrath only smiles, and drops my hand.

By now, Namjoon has noticed the commotion that Jin is causing, and he looks up from his book with a dimpled smile. He pulls the golden framed glasses from his face, and tucks them away in his suit's breast pocket, before rising to greet me as well.

"We've missed you little one, " he tells me, hands clasped before him as he leans against the back of the nearest chair.

The God of Gluttony releases me with a happy sigh, only to grab my hand and lead me away and into the direction of the seat he'd just been resting upon. I blush, and try to pull away as he plants me directly upon his lap.

My efforts, however, are in vain.

Tae flashes me a double 'thumbs up', and smiles encouragingly. My voice locks in my throat, and I want to call out to him, ask him to please help me out. But I don't. Because I know that he won't help me.

Already, as I feel the puff of Seokjin's breath against the nape of my neck, I can feel that tell-tale tingling in my spine. My treacherous body likes this, despite how embarrassed and terrified I am.

There is a look of appreciation upon Tae's face as he takes in the sight of me upon Jin's lap, as if he enjoys the way that I fit against his brother in godhood.

And when he joins us upon the couch, scooting close enough to rest his hand upon my thigh, I shiver. His presence is calming, to say the least, though I still feel as if I could jump out of my skin at any moment.

Especially when Seokjin's hand comes to rest upon my other thigh, and gives it a light squeeze.

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