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Today is one of those days. Bright, and just warm enough to be inviting without being hot enough to feel as if you are melting.

After my encounter with Yunki, I've stopped trying to hide away from the others, though I haven't particularly been seeking them out either.

I have to admit that I was disappointed at our interruption, and that doesn't sit entirely well with me. I feel as if I should be disgusted with myself, so why is it that I can't stop thinking about what might have happened?

Laying back upon the blanket I've placed upon the grass, I sigh.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

On some level, I know things can't continue like this for much longer.

I'm reminded of Hoseok's words, about how the Gods play by entirely different rules, and a part of me wonders whether it would be so bad to just give in.

But what if I'm not good enough? What if, after they've had me once, I am cast aside?

What if I fail to please them or my body isn't as great as they seem to think it is once they finally see me sans clothes?

What if I grow attached, fall for seven males, and not a single one of them ever truly loves me?

I groan, frustrated with the circles that my brain are taking me in.

"You shouldn't make noises like that. Makes me wanna fuck that pretty little mouth."

I am startled, and shoot upright so fast that I nearly give myself whiplash.

"Tae, what are you doing here?"

He smiles, and gracefully takes a seat next to me upon the blanket.

"You mean how did I find you?"

His crystalline eyes are full of warmth, and mischief. Against my better judgement, my eyes fall to his lips, and images of Namjoon thrusting into that beautiful mouth assault me once more.

I blush like a damn school girl, and frown as he ignores my question, and plows straight into his own.

"I know you've been avoiding me, know you've been avoiding all of us really, but especially Namjoon and I. He tells me you still haven't come by for a reading lesson yet, why is that?"

But the twinkle in his eyes tells me that he knows exactly why.

Taehyung might have had his head turned away from me, and been busy with Namjoon's dick, but I'm sure that the God of Avarice told him all about their impromptu audience. He must have, if the heat in Tae's expression is anything to go by.

I squirm uncomfortably, and allow my head to bow as I attempt to hide my face. But the view of my hands isn't nearly as captivating as Taehyung's face, so I'm not surprised when he sees this gesture for what it is.

"You don't have to be nervous, " he says, switching from that cocky tone of voice to one that is soothing, lulling even. "I know that you saw me and Joonie, but I promise, neither of us minded in the least."

I snort derisively, "cause that's totally what I'm embarrassed about."

"I'm not nervous, " I object, glancing up to see that he has one eyebrow raised in question. "Okay, maybe a little nervous. But that's not why."

Tilting his head to the side, he almost looks like a puppy. If puppies had a sinfully heart-stopping smile, that is.

"Then why are you nervous? Didn't you enjoy the show? Namjoon said you certainly looked like you did."

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