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A|N: So... I hope you guys are thirsty... and have a ready supply of holy water. This chapter is... well... VERY kinky. If boy on boy or orgies bother you, you may not want to read... well, this entire story from here on out... Consider yourself warned.

Despite my initial fears, life has actually returned to some semblance of normality

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Despite my initial fears, life has actually returned to some semblance of normality. True to Taehyung's words, no one seems to be upset with me. I still can't determine whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing, and I've long since given up trying to sort that out.

Instead, I spend most of my time lately helping out the servants. It's crazy, but there's actually so much more to this place than I'd initially believed. A week ago, I wasn't even aware of the fact that there were so many servants in the employ of the Gods, nor did I know that there were so many unexplored corners of the palace. The lounge, it seems, is only one of many secrets. One such "secret" is the existence of a whole other floor of the palace beneath the courtyard containing the entrance to the Gods' towers; another, that of a door with no opening mechanism at all. This door, located in a dreary hallway just past the servants' kitchen, is brightly painted and cheerful despite its drab surroundings. But no matter how much I'd pushed, no matter what I tried, I couldn't get the door to budge. Sadly, my curiosity simply can't be satisfied until I've opened it; the keyhole is far too small to actually see anything through.

Most of the servants treat me warily; this amuses me to no end. In truth, I'm not so different from them. In fact, before being brought here, I actually held a much lower social status. Servants to the Gods themselves lead comfortable lives; many see it as a far more noble profession than that of a servant down below. It seems that none of them have been made aware of my past, however, and I know better than to open my mouth and tell them such. Up here, in the clouds, I feel worlds apart from my old life, and the city below.

There is one servant, however, that I have become somewhat close to. To everyone else, I am something special. The bride of the God of Lust. This demands that they treat me with reverence and respect, but with Shea it's not like that at all. Perhaps it's because, the very day that we met, she spilled a bucket of cold, dirty water on me. An accident, of course, and one that initially had the poor girl beside herself with anxiety. It took all of thirty minutes to finally get her to calm down and realize that I wasn't going to call for her head on a pike.

So far, it seems very promising that Shea might turn out to be a steadfast friend.

Today we are seated side by side against the railing that overlooks the clouds below, feet dangling between the bars as we chat amicably. Apparently, servants are not allowed to dawdle on this floor; truly, they're not supposed to dawdle anywhere, but this top floor is apparently highly restricted access.

"It's so beautiful up here, " she sighs dreamily. "You're so lucky!"

I grin; it is shallow and only partially heartfelt.

"It seems that way, doesn't it?"

Shea nods enthusiastically, bright eyes absolutely alight with wonder. I study her face meticulously, all the while doing a little wondering of my own. Did I react like that the first time I saw this place? Did my eyes light up the way Shea's are right now? Gods, it feels as though I've been here forever. But hasn't it only been a few months? A small, dry chuckle escapes from my lips as I realize the irony in still swearing by the Gods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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