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"I've never seen so many books in my life!" I exclaim.

I stand in awe, fingering the spines of the tomes filed neatly away in the library's bookshelves and suddenly wishing that I knew how to read.

"After the 2130 nuclear war, many books were lost, " Namjoon explains kindly, dimples on clear display as he smiles, obviously pleased by my fascination. "And considering that authors all over the world switched to e-books around the year 2045, it's no surprise you've never seen very many physical copies."

I glance around, taking in row after row of shelves. The library, located in Namjoon's personal spire, takes up three entire floors. I could read fifty books a day, if I could read, and still not read each and every one before my death.

"It's amazing, " I reply. "Every last remaining book in the world must be here."

"Almost, " he reveals. "Would you like to read one? Anything in here, take your pick, I'll let you read them all."

I smile wistfully, and Namjoon seems to notice the shift in my demeanor, for his own smile falters ever so slightly.

"I can't read, " I confess shamefully, cheeks flooding red with embarrassment. "I grew up in the cleaning sector, remember? I don't think anyone who lives beneath the twenty-fifth level of the city ever learns how to read."

He frowns, brows knitting together in serious thought.

"I could teach you, " he offers, leaning against the bookshelf behind him leisurely. "It won't be easy, but it would definitely be worth it."

"For me, absolutely, but I don't want to be such a burden. I know it would take up a lot of your time, " I refute politely.

"Don't do that, " he commands, eyes veiled and emotions hidden behind a curtain of self-control.

"What?" I ask innocently, truly confused by his command.

"The God of Avarice is offering not only his precious books but his time as well. Do you really think I'd consider it a burden?"

Stunned, I meekly shake my head.

"No, I suppose not, " I concede softly.

"I actually really look forward to it then, " he says, smiling softly once more. "It'll be nice to spend some real time with you, the others are always hogging all of your attention."

Laughter bubbles up from within my chest, somehow incredibly amused by the notion that Namjoon, who is quite solitary by nature, could truly wish to spend time with me.

But the laughter dies on my lips as I notice the hungry look in his eyes, and I immediately regret allowing myself to laugh so freely.

"You think I'm joking?"

His face has become an impassive and impenetrable wall, his eyes the only thing giving away his current mood. I shake my head once more, not quite trusting myself to speak at the moment.

I'm incredibly well known for sticking my foot in my mouth, and the way he is looking at me is dangerous.

He takes a step forward, and subconsciously, I hazard a step back, feeling quite like a prey caught in the hunter's gaze. I can't even explain it, can't describe how the mood changed so drastically, and so quickly, but I can feel my heart hammering away in my chest like the traitorous organ that it is.

By the time my back hits the bookshelf, nearly knocking all the air from my lungs, I feel as if I might faint at any moment. The look in his eyes is so intense, my heart just can't take it.

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