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It's been three days since that encounter within Namjoon's tower, and I've remained safely secluded within Yunki's tower, unable to look anyone in the face.

The worst part is, every time I close my eyes, Namjoon is there, still staring at me with those lustful eyes, fingers firmly buried in Taehyung's pale and silky locks.

I don't know what's come over me, but I just can't stop thinking about it.

"You know, you can't hide in here forever..."

I push Yunki's head out of my lap, ignoring his whining protest.

"So you saw Joonie face-fucking Tae, " he groans, "big deal! Can you go home now, if your not gonna give me your lap?"

I sigh, but ultimately pat my thighs, indicating for him to lay down.

"I don't understand, " he murmurs softly. So softly, in fact, that I almost don't hear him at all. "Why are you so against their advances, do they not excite you?"

I frown, wishing I could say that were the case.

"It's not that" I confess. I'm too confused to make much sense of it myself, but I try, for Yunki's sake. "I just... I feel like sex is something that should mean something. Something emotional. If I was to be a sex toy, I'd almost rather have been sold to the whorehouse after all. Jimin seems to spend all his time there anyway..."

"You like him, don't you?"

Yunki's voice has dropped an octave, and I am left stunned as he sits up jerkily. He seems to be upset.

"I don't know, " I reply honestly. "I think I do, but I don't think it's that simple either."

"I think you're over complicating things."

Yunki's statement isn't particularly mean, but his voice has a hard and accusatory tone to it. I balk.

"Not once has he mentioned anything about a wedding, despite initially claiming that I was brought here to be his bride, and it frightens me to think about how he'd react if he knew nearly all of his brethren have made a move on me at some point or another."

I am defensive, my own tone sharp and unyielding. It bothers me that Yunki seems to be so upset, and I am rattled by the anger in his voice. Of all the Gods, I feel closest to Yunki. Maybe because he hasn't tried to make a move on me, or maybe because he is so unashamedly and bluntly honest...

Whatever the case, his anger hurts, and I'm sure that pain is displayed clearly in my eyes. I never was any good at hiding my thoughts and feelings.

Solidifying my assumption, Yunki takes one solid look at me, and his gaze softens.

"Do you want everyone to stop putting the moves on you?"

His question takes me aback. Despite my irritation and unease about the situation, or maybe because of it, I hadn't actually thought about it.

Did I want then to stop?

I think a part of me hadn't bothered asking myself this before because it seemed pointless. They are Gods, and a God will take what a God wants right? So does my opinion even factor into the mix?

"If you actually told them, with one hundred percent honesty, that you wanted them to stop, they would." He reveals. "Of course, you'd have to actually mean it. They'll know if you don't."

He looks at me expectantly, awaiting my response.

"I-" I shiver, disliking the way I feel as if I am being weighed by his intense stare, "that's not really that simple either."

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